Elliot Hong (28 Feb 2013)
"Could Nisan 1 be the Day?"

Dear Doves:
I couldn't write for a while, since I was tied up with making a new feature film in Korea.
Here is a theory I came up with.
1) We all agree that the miraculous game of Tim Tebow on Jan.8 last year was the definite sign from the Almighty.
    In that game, after the regular time, the overtime(sudden death) lasted 11(Judgment) seconds.
2) I think that a period from Purim on Feb.27, 2010 to Purim on Feb.25, 2013 could be considered as a regular time.
    We all know that the 8.8 Concepcion EQ occurred on Feb.27, 2010 and according to Calvin, the full moon on that
    day was located near the handle of "Sickle of Leo."
    So it clearly shows G-d allowed this period(regular time) for New Birth, New Beginning & Harvest as displaying so
    many amazing signs.
3) To me, 11 seconds could mean 11 days, so it's very possible that the Judgment begins on the 11th day from the end
    (second day) of Purim, Adar 15(Feb.25).
    This Judgment could be the final birth pang, and 3 days from it, there could be the resurrection and transformation on
    Nisan 1 which is the day of New Moon(veiled moon), New Birth & New Beginning.
    It's possible too that during 3 days Darkness covers the Earth, and the Bride should go through it as Jesus went through. 
4) But why Purim?  Why is it so special?
    Purim has two aspects of G-d's redemption work, Gentile Church & Israel.
    Esther was a type of the Bride who saved Jews(Israel) to be victorious.
    This is why I believe that one of important characters of the Bride should be loving and caring heart for Israel as it's written
    in Isaiah 40:1 "Comfort, O comfort my people says your God."
    A feature film "The Rose of Sharon" that I made in 2005 mainly for Korean Churches deals with this theme.
    It has been shown through JCTV and received many good responses.
    Hope you enjoy it too.
Again, this is just my theory, not setting a date.