Denise S (19 Feb 2013)
"Diane Gilbert - CORRECTION"


After I wrote my previous note, I DID find some things that may have an unclean spirit attached to them!

I had taken home from my mother's house 3 small items.  I am extremely sure that those items are the cause of the strange happenings.

Unfortunately my mother is surrounded in negativity: anger, bitterness, judgment on others, and with a spirit of arguing, crazy making, etc. etc.
Although she claims to be a Christian, I see no evidence.  I avoid seeing her as much as is possible.  I do not believe the Lord would want me to be
subjected to her rantings.

So, Diane, I think you hit the nail on the head!
Yes, I think those small items I brought into my house have some kind of evil spirit attached to them.
I checked my calendar, and I am sure the mysterious events happened AFTER I brought those items into my home.

I have commanded any evil spirit to leave my house in the holy name of Jesus.
Time will tell. . .

Denise S.