Deborah W (28 Feb 2013)
"Reply to Grace re: eclipse"


Dear Grace and Doves,
In the last 2 months both my son and I have had dreams of an eclipse of some sort.  My son dreamed of 3 heavenly bodies coming into alignment, the moon and he assumes 2 other planets.  My dream was of an eclipse-type thing in the sky  involving the moon and another heavenly body that eclipsed it.  In my dream it was a holiday and we were traveling down the turnpike to spend the holiday with my parents who live about 1 hrs and 15 min away.  It was daylight outside, but the sky turned very dark.  The reason I remember this is because I took my sunglasses off because I no longer needed them, and then I put them back on later after the eclipse had finished.  
The main reason I am posting this is to see if there have been any other people who are having eclipse dreams as well.

In Christ,