Danny (19 Feb 2013)
"Re:Obey God and be Blessed; Disobey God and be Cursed"

Bless you brothers and sisters in Christ and thank you Father for letting me share again and bless John and those for this.

Thank you for sharing. We need to understand just what Christ died for. What was paid on that cross. When we believe Jesus and take Him are our lord we are now sons and daughters of the GREAT I AM. So the Great I AM is now our Father. We are righteous before our Father now and forever as is written because we believe in Jesus the only son of God the only way to our Father. So now when we sin it is like when my son makes a mistake. I correct him so he will make the right choices down the road. This is where John said if we confess our sins He is faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us form all unrighteousness. There is no curse of (Father forgive me) hell for the believer.

See to understand judgment we have to understand just what was paid for on the cross. So many do now know. In Deuteronomy Moses was telling them about what happens when you obey the law and when you do not. I remember reading and praying and it was talking if your heart convicts you …you will receive nothing from God. I got up and said I quit! I said My heart convicts me 24/7 so I will never get anything from you. I got up reached for the door and ….oh Praise God that sweet small voices asked me “what is righteousness?” I turned and said.. ok ok.. righteousness is right standing with God. He asked “how do you get righteousness?” I said by believing in Jesus. Oh I cried and cried. Had to go look it up (at that time) to see if this was written and it is. It is written Therefore, there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus.


Anyway I am not here to debate or argue just share. When we sin now it opens a door if we keep doing it to things we should not be touching. But our Jesus our Father has never nor ever left us and loves us. And if you think you KNOW He loves you…sorry you do not know how much He loves you. I know what its like to be stuck in some kind of sin. He has not changed and will make a way where you can not even see..a way to get out so to speak. So pick yourself up dust yourself off and keep going.


But what we need to do is share JESUS! This is the CALL and all have been chosen to speak. As with His love we do not understand the lateness of the hour. It is like no other and will never be again. Share Jesus with all you talk to. Please.. these are the ones He wants to take with Him. When we go someone stays so share as if it was YOU that did not know Jesus. Would you not want someone with the answer that gave you everlasting life share with you?