Clay Cantrell (28 Feb 2013)
"Bob Ware and 9-11 numbers, like 1441"

Readers -

Bob Ware has long written about a number he considers a 9-11 number:


Jewish day number for 9-11.

I didn't seem to have anything on it, so I looked further.

check this out

I thought, if 1441 is a number really associated with 9-11, then a
known 9-11 number should appear in the verses that contain 1441 words.

go here for all the verses that have an in-text valued word of 1441:

There are I looked through all seven of the verses and it didn't take long -

Third verse = Luke 12:46

"The lord of that servant will come in a day when he looketh not for
him, and at an hour when he is not aware, and will cut him in sunder,
and will appoint him his portion with the unbelievers."

word fourteen, Strong's 5610g Hora (hour) has an in-text value of



1) Bob Ware is correct

2) Luke 12:46 may be another verse, in addition to Deuteronomy 32:35,
where the 9-11 event is alluded to.

The context of the verse matches the event, as a, 9-11 then
was a forerunner.

3) In addition, note the last verse mentioned in the list is
Revelation 3:18, the warning to Laodicea, which appears to be a type
of the Lukewarm (western?) church.

on a side note, Strong's 1441g (seventy times) appears in one verse:

Matthew 18:22

1822 = 911 x 2

notice the number mentioned by the Lord, which is 70, a judgment number.


these are my opinions.

Kudos to Bob Ware for all his hard, and complicated, work.

Glory to Jesus.