Clay Cantrell (11 Feb 2013)
"Polonium Temperatures & Jared Numbers"

Readers -

I've written about Polonium element 84 before and how it appeared to
be involved in last days things via matching numbers - like this:

Enoch = 84 = Polonium.

Temperature conversions were a way, it appears that the Lord designed
part of His Word to be constructed. It shows a correlation between the
natural world, the Word and current events. imho

you can go here:

and read about Polonium and you can see at the right if you scroll
down a little, the melting points and boiling points of the element.


certain umbers are already well known, as i write about in my post above.

this boiling point number


I had not examined.

1235 Kelvin = 962 Celsius (Jared lives 962 years)

go here for a list of all words and Bible verses that have a total
gematria of 1235

specifically here:

John 6:33
"For the bread of God is he which cometh down (Strong's 259 greek)
from heaven, and giveth life unto the world."

The word 2597g is "katabaino", to Descend. Jared means "Descend".

This the same word used in 1 Thessalonians 4:16 ; "The Lord Himself
shall DESCEND from Heaven ...."



A boiling point number in Kelvin is also the total gematria of a word
that means the same as the Bible person that embodies the concept of
the verse, in this case, Descend. It should also be noted again, that
these temp conversion numbers refer to the father and the element is
the son. Jared & Enoch paired together in this radioactive substance.

Jesus is Lord.