April (1 Feb 2013)
"Urgent warning from an Angel and corroborating dream after."


Hello Doves

I was woken up very early this morning (29 Jan 13) by an angel. I have never been woken up before in the middle of the night. They usually wait till the morning and I even went to bed earlier than normal, as I was exhausted yesterday, so it must have been urgent.

I was quite groggy.

He said ‘Hello April’. I said ‘Hi there’. The angel smiled.

He said ‘I have come to tell you something important, of which you must blow the watchman’s horn.

There is coming such an evil that you must send a warning about. The enemy is sending an apparition, so evil and fearful that many will die of extreme fear and fright.

Those who have overcome their fears will not be affected but those who are still on milk, will feel such fear, that many will die of their fear.

You need to warn people so they can pray earnestly for these baby Christians.’

I said ‘Ok.


So I am blowing a blast on the Watchman’s horn, I got the feeling that it will be on an individual basis and people around these Christians, will not believe them nor be able to help them. I also feel that it will be a spiritual attack using a physical form (but I could be wrong, as it could be in their dreams).

We need to pray for the protection of these baby and toddler Christians. You don’t need to know any personally, just pray collectively.

Satan has been thwarted many times last year and again this year, he is very angry and prowling like a lion; watching for an unwary victim and we need to be intercessors for them.

If you are still being tested on your fears, then you need to know that Satan is going to be manifesting those fears, to try and make you look towards him in fear and shake, rather than look towards our Messiah, Jesus Christ! (Who died and was resurrected.)


Then followed a strange dream, which I won’t share it all (as it was quite long).


“My neighbours had stolen a long section of my garden’s width and had dogs going up and down it. I needed to retrieve a ball that had been blown over the end of my garden. My end neighbour gave me back my ball.

But the 10 yr old boy, of my side neighbours, stood at a closed wooden gate, on which he had written a curse on my side, which I read. I looked at him and said ‘Well that isn’t going to happen.’ And I smiled, which seemed to make him even more mad and crazy.

He got out a hand gun and pointed it at me. I walked towards him and somehow I ‘knew’ that there was no ammo in his gun, so I laughed and said ‘My God is going to get you.  Revenge is mine, saith the Lord.’

I was going to hit him but his gang (5 or 7) turned up and I didn’t want to take all of them on, as I had other work to do.


I turned around and the gang is now in my garden around a table and seated on chairs. A black man pointed a gun at me, so I grab his hand in a thumb lock and rip the gun out of his hand.

I walk up the inclined garden towards my house and pulled the trigger to shoot into the grass. Just a click and I realise there was no ammo again.

So I cocked the gun and saw the barrel was empty, so I flung it over my head backwards, the black man ran for the gun and they all ran out of my garden.”



Garden is the Church and Satan (the bad neighbours) has stolen part of the Church, but he wants more.

Black boys/men have always bullied me and attacked me (-I don’t know why) but Satan must have thought I would still be scared of them but God helped me get over that fear. (That is a testimony of a foiled home invasion.)

Also I have been shot at by a black boy (I have that on camcorder).


But when you have foreknowledge that there is no ammo in the enemies’ guns, only your own fear, you can be bold and brave.

Also when you know that God loves you and wants only good for you, and you really know that verse ‘No weapon formed against us, shall prosper’, you will overcome your fears and Satan will run away empty handed.



I pray right now that whomever is reading this, will know and even see the protection that God is surrounding us, at this time. Amen.

