Watcher Woman (27 Feb 2012)
"To David D. and All Doves"

David Daughtery,

I have been loving reading about your visions and how humbly you report them.
Please never hesitate to share anything the Lord gives you. I love personal stories and
I recently ran across something that reminded me of your vision of the "football
shaped object". Does this thing look similar?? Ever since I first read about that object in your vision I've
been keeping my eye out for something to compare it to. I know this is small but maybe it's a "baby" version
of some big "death star type mothership/asteroid/who knows what?" haha

God bless you and all doves...................Watcher Woman

P.S. Please, everyone, please try to doublespace or something when you type your letters
to make them easier to read. I get so frustrated sometimes trying to read small lines that are not
separated or broken up into smaller paragraphs. Thank you and hope to see you all soon.
May we all be "first fruits unto our God."  The Kingdom of God is within us and above us and the King of that
kingdom is on His way............................ hallelujah!!!