Susan B (6 Feb 2012)
"Heaven is for real book - something that caught my attention"

Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
I read the wonderful testimony of little Colton Burpo who visited Heaven during a near death experience - his father is a Pastor - Todd Burpo.  One of the things Colton saw was the future battle of armageddon and it came up in conversation when  he was only about 5 years old when his Dad jokingly told him  there wouldn't be swords in Heaven (Colton likes to play with swords - warrior games).  He said "there are too swords in Heaven Daddy"!!  His parents have been very careful not to lead him so his Dad cautiously asked him "what makes you think that" and Colton answered "because I saw you fighting Dad - it was a big fight between  Jesus and lots of His people and you were fighting alongside him and your weapon was a bow and arrow but other people had swords".  Colton is now almost 13 years old and it came to me - or the Holy Spirit dropped it in my mind that he had ONLY seen his Dad fighting - not himself.  This suggests to me that he will not be old enough to fight at the Battle of Armageddon which he aptly described.
We are so very close!!!!!
On a personal note - I would highly recommend this book - Heaven is for real by Todd Burpo (Colton's Father) - it spoke to my spirit in a huge way - my spirit was leaping for joy - at times I wept - at other times I laughed and it was totally unputdownable!!  I believe it's authenticity 100% whereas books like Choo Thomas - Heaven is so real - haven't grabbed me at all.  The innocence of a child who visited heaven - when he was only 4 years old.
Even so Lord Jesus - come quickly!!
Lovingly ysiC, Susan in Aussie Land