Susan B (29 Feb 2012)
"To Charles"

Dear Charles and fellow Doves,
Charles my brother in Christ - please consider this a very gentle rebuke given to you out of no more than love.  I enjoy your posts but you are constantly judging and criticising your wife.  Remember that as her husband you have authority as the head of the household and indeed by being yoked to her (an unbeliever) she is saved due to your Faith (read Paul on this).
I know it is very hard to be seeing all that we see and have your wife with her eyes fixated on the television watching some nonesense show - but we are not all called to watch - and it cannot be forced.  Be loving, patient and kind with her and I think you will find your marriage vastly improves.
I hope I do not offend you Charles - I speak these words as a woman - and with love - and from scripture.
Lovingly ysiC, Susan in Aussie Land.