Phil (27 Feb 2012)

John and Doves,
Here in Australia we have been burdened with a soapie of gargantuan proportions. The players are all playing their parts
with some aplomb!
Julia Gillard is our Labour Party Prime minister replete with ultra Ocker Aussie accent. (Originally she comes from Wales)
As if reflecting the now ex-Communist ideal she is also replete with RED hair. But there is a challenge in the air. Mr Rudd has not
forgotton how he was ousted from being Prime Minister in June of 2010 by this same Ms Gillard. BTW she is unmarried but
lives with her boyfriend.
Rudd was ousted on 24/6/2010. 24 = 8+8+8.
Later in the year a General Election was held on 21/8/2010 and Gillard won government in her own right as Prime Minister but the
Government ministers were not sworn in for 24  (8+8+8) more days due to the fact that there was no clear majority and several Independents
finally decided to back Labour.
Rudd stayed on as Foreign Minister. Till now. He resigned a couple of days ago. Now the war of words is in full swing!
On Monday Feb 27th there will be a vote on who will be Prime Minister.
From the day the Labour Party and Julia Gillard won the General Election on 21/8/2010 to 27/2/2012 is 555 days.
Who will win the vote on 27/2/2012?
Well Ms Gillard won 71 to 31. The two numbers that are not 1 add to 10. Remove the zero and we have 111.
And this was day #58 with 308 days remaining in the year.
The date of the 27th = 3 x 9 or 3x3x3.
And 27/2 = 29 if you like.
58 = 29 + 29.
308 = 77 + 77 + 77 + 77.
And, if you like 58 and 308 = 888. Well the two numbers that are not 8 add to 8.
And the difference between 71 and 31 is of course 40.
Rudd is a Christian and Gillard is not. The Christian man was defeated by 40 votes, showing he was being tested.
More interesting numbers.
Keep looking up,