Paul Wilson (6 Feb 2012)

I don’t see Israel agreeing to un peace keepers. the UN has a poor track record in the peace keeping department. All you have to do is look at UNAFIL. Might as well make the revolutionary guard responsible for Israel's safety. They could sell it to Israel as “these radical muslim military personnel will gladly protect the Jewish state. Then for good measure we at the UN will part the Mediterranean sea then turn it into wine”.
Bruce Warner (4 Feb 2012)

Dear Doves,

Israel has plans to pre-emptively attack Iran's nuclear facilities,
soon, just like they previously did in Iraq and Syria. The U.S. and
the U.N. are in a panic that this attack will begin WWIII. So, the
U.N. offers Israel 'an agreement' to station U.N. 'peace-keeping'
forces in Israel to keep "peace and satety" so that Iran dare not
launch a nuclear attack against Israel as long as the U.N. forces are
stationed there. For Iran to attack Israel while the U.N.
'peace-keeping' forces are stationed there would be tatamount to Iran
declaring war on the whole world all at once.

Daniel 11:23-24
"And after the league is made with him he shall act deceitfully, for
he shall come up and become strong with a small number of people. He
shall enter peaceably, even into the richest places of the

Could it be that "the league is made" refers to the  confirming a
'covenant with many' ?
Could it be that "with him" refers to the anti-Christ?
Could it be that "he shall act deceitfully" refers to the
anti-Christ's evil plans for Israel?
Could it be that "he shall come up and become strong" refers to what
happens during the first three and one-half years of the U.N.
'peace-keeping' occupation of Israel?
Could it be that "a small number of people" refers to a U.N.
'peace-keeping' force in Israel?
Could it be that "he shall enter peaceably" refers to the welcoming by
Israel of the anti-Christ entering Israel with a 'peace-keeping'
Could it be that "the richest places" refers  to Jerusalem?
Could it be that "the province" refers to modern day Israel?

I believe that Daniel 11:23-24 is describing how the '70th Week of
Daniel' begins and how the "peace and safety" is kept during the first
three and one-half years of the 70th Week. We know what happens at

According to Your Word, come Lord Jesus!

Bruce Warner