Mike Plunkett (27 Feb 2012)
"To:  Marilyn Agee about the beasts of revelations"

Hi Marilyn,
Thank you for responding about the beast's of revelations. I agree with some of your post.

 My understanding stems from a post by Kevin Heckle, dated 10 Sep 2009, Barack is the Eighth. I think and feel this is the truth!

If you read this entire post at the above link, then follow on.......

Satan gives both beasts their power! The 1st beast becomes the anti-christ. I think Barack is the eighth, as the post above states and he is the anti-christ! As you read along in rev. 13, the head wound could be one of two things, he is killed and then resurrected, OR, Nero was the head that was wounded to death and the healing was the rising of Vaspasian in his place. Either way, if Obama IS the one we think he is, HE will be taken over by Satan this spring, at the half way point of the tribulation. Reading on in rev 13, he will continue for forty two monthes after his possesion. We are already wittnessing the election furver......who can beat Obama, who are we going to get to win back our country, who can beat him, OR............WHO CAN MAKE WAR WITH THE BEAST? wHO IS LIKE THIS MAN......WHOSE armorred car is called the BEAST! Who opens his mouth in Blasphemy against God, who hates TRUE Christianity and sides with the Mud-Slimes!!!!

And Hates Israel, all this is now proven by his actions.

REVELATIONS CHAPTER 13 VERSE 9............If any man have an ear, let him hear.

He now will MAKE WAR WITH THE SAINTS! He is presently gathering his strength by lining up all his MUSLIM ARMIES against Israel!

He has already stated he would stand with the Muslims if choices have to be made in Muslims behalf! He is the MAN OF LAWLESSNESS! The first fruits will be taken away soon and then it will hit the fan! He is given power over all Nations....Rev. 13: 7

I think he has made a pact with 10 Kings that have not been given their power yet, but will be all Muslims and they will rule for one hour with the Beast and give their Power to him. They will begin to slaughter the Saints and Jews, those peoples that make up the House of Israel.......Christians and Jews! Rev. 13: 8........And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship him, whose names are not written in the book of life of the Lamb slain from the foundation of the world. 


THE SECOND BEAST IS MYSTERY BABYLON THE GREAT! I feel that it is represented by the Roman Catholic Church and the Pope is the false prophet! It is the whore church that has sided with murder of millions of saints. This beast will demand an image be made to the first beast and those that do not worship it will be slaughtered! I think this will have something to do with the munipulation of our DNA, causing a CHANGE in humans to BEASTS! There will be no going back after you accept it, so DON'T! ABBA, please protect all who face this temptation.............pray for Jesus Christ to SAVE you if you find yourself alone facing the MARK, and REPENT! This will be a choice between the lake of fire, and life with Jesus in eternity. DON'T TAKE THE MARK!

You can already see the Muslim nations lining up against Israel, and we all know they HATE us as well! 911..........GET IT!

They are ALL LIARS and who is the father of the LIE? SATAN! SATAN! SATAN! They worship the DEVIL! Their hearts are FILLED with his HATRED and LIES!!!!! Their cry is........First kill the Saturday worshippers.....THEN........kill the Sunday worshippers! Islam is his ARMY!


I think if people are paying close attention to everything this man is doing and has done, while being in office of the presidency of the United States, they can see that the pieces to the puzzle fit together like a glove. 


So get down on your knees and PRAY, PRAY, PRAY, everyone, because they are getting ready to turn EVERYTHING UPSIDE DOWN, as Jonathan Kleck would say! Things are speeding up and the deceptions are going to turn to total delusions and many, many, multitudes of people are going to be deceived. I HOPE I am taken out of here before it all breaks loose but whatever is Gods will I except. If I have to go through to the very end, then I will die for Jesus Christ if I find myself still here. There is no greater love than to lay down ones life for another!



Michael P