Laura (29 Feb 2012)
"re; will there be 3 raptures?"

Patti, I was also asking the Lord this very question a few years ago. I just couldnt understand why mature believers could have such different views on the rapture timing. Then in spring of 2009 he
answered with the same answer you recieved. The Holy Spirit has showed them when the rapture will occur for each of them. I was a little skeptical so I asked the Lord to comfirm this for me. He did
several months later when I went back to Roshashanah service in '09. I had not been to my messianic congregation in years for I had moved to another state. The Lord told me to go so I was obediant.
During the after service oneg, I was speaking to the Rabbi's wife when I told her of the 3 rapture insight. She got so excited and jumped up and practically dragged me stumbling across the floor
saying you have to tell my husband. Turns out he was getting ready for the 1st time in his life to start preaching the book of revelation next sabbath