K.S. Rajan (29 Feb 2012)


Pan-Arab conference in Doha calls on Security Council to stop disconcerting trend. Arab world 'won't accept anything less than a just peace based on the legitimate rights of the Palestinian people,' Qatar's emir states
Qatar urged the United Nations to investigate the "Judaization" of east Jerusalem, further expressing
"grave concern over the expansion of Jewish settlements in the city," Ynet learned Monday.
"The occupation of these Palestinian territories is unacceptable," the emirate warned.
"We must act swiftly to stop the Judaization of Jerusalem," Qatar's emir, Sheikh Hamad bin Khalifa al-Thani
said at the "International Conference on Jerusalem" in Doha.
'Peace can't be based on ignoring the truth about Jerusalem'--
Abbas calls on Arabs, Muslims to flock to Jerusalem

Israeli government official slams Abbas's comments at International Conference for the Defense of Jerusalem in Qatar, comparing them to Arafat's denial of Jewish temple in the city
War games: Tel Aviv missile drill

Ever-ready (Archives) Photo: Eli T
Senior officials to take part in drill simulating explosion of two rockets in central Israel
U.S. State Department:
Russia and Iran still arming Bashar al-Assad
Russia and Iran are continuing to send arms to the Syrian regime that
can be used against protesters, a top State Department official said today.
"Iran is resupplying Syria and through Syria has supplied weapons to Hezbollah," said Tom Countryman, the assistant secretary of state for international security and nonproliferation, at a Wednesday morning breakfast meeting of the Defense Writers Group in Washington