K.S. Rajan (27 Feb 2012)

Thursday, February 23, 2012
"Religion of Peace" is really a death cult of darkness

The death sentence handed down by the Iranian Supreme Court of Iranian pastor Youcef Nadarkhani is no less the brutal lack of respect for human rights, religious freedom and love for fellow mankind exemplified by this ruthless tyrannical system disguised as a religion called Islam. Nadarkhani is the 34 year old pastor, husband and father of two who refused to recant his Christian faith. The sentence is death. The gallant Nadarkhani has endured a lifetime of persecution in the time of this ordeal. This, however, is just one man, one example of thousands that take place every year emanating from Islamic nations. Yet, there is a campaign in America to not only tolerate but teach this barbaric theology to our children.

These atrocities are not isolated to Iran. Saudi Arabia, one of America's so-called friends in the Middle East, is just as bad, if not worse. Open Doors USA has compiled a World Watch List of the 50 top persecutors of Christians around the world. It really coincides with the State Department's Annual Report on Human Rights. Of the top ten nations that persecute Christians, eight of them are Muslim, including those where the United States has had the most influence over the past decade: Afghanistan (2); Saudi Arabia (3); Iraq (9). Iran ranks fifth. Of the top 50, some 39 are Islamic. In Sudan, for example, Islamists have killed most all of the Christians. Now they are focused on killing black Muslims.

In the Islamic creed everything comes under submission to the authority--ostensibly of the moon god allah, but in reality the satanic depravity of the system and its human consorts through which evil vicariously lives. Nadarkhani is considered a Muslim because his father's lineage is Muslim. Just as the man who occupies the Oval Office is considered Muslim by Muslims. In Iran, converting to Christianity requires recanting or death under Islamic law. In America you can worship any god you wish whether people believe you or not. The trouble is that this freedom also gives Islam the freedom to take roots and grow, which may in of itself lead to a tyrannical takeover, ultimately suppressing freedom.

Please pray for Youcef Nadarkhani and his family. Perhaps our prayers will bring a last minute reprieve of Islamic mercy. Notwithstanding, Nadarkhani and his family should be etched in the hearts of every Christian as an example of the brutality of the antichrist religious system. Christians worldwide should be reminded of how desperate Muslims must be for the light of Yeshua Ha Mashiach (Jesus Christ). Let us not ever allow what Nadarkhani has experienced, irrespective of how it ends, to fade from our memory as the darkness of evil steals the light. Remember the words of Yeshua in John 12:46, "I am come a light into the world, that whoseover believeth on me should not abide in darkness."

Have a Blessed and Powerful Day!
Bill Wilson