K.S. Rajan (27 Feb 2012)

Tehran's deputy defense minister warns Jerusalem against strike on Iran's nuclear facilities, says 'any action by Zionist regime will bring about its destruction'
Iran will find out too late that they won't really be fighting with Israel, but with the God of Abraham, Issac and Jacob. What a Day that will be!
'Iran ready to wipe Israel off the map'
Tehran's deputy defense minister warns Jerusalem against strike on Iran's nuclear facilities, says 'any action by Zionist regime will bring about its destruction'
Dudi Cohen
Published:     02.24.12, 23:32 / Israel News
As speculations over a possible strike on Iran's nuclear facilities grow, the Islamic Republic is exacerbating its rhetoric.
Deputy Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi on Friday warned Israel against mounting such an attack: "Any act by the Zionist regime against Iran will bring about its destruction."