JMS (6 Feb 2012)
"if this is 'ISRAEL'S SPIRITUAL RESTORATION' - then special events have to happen before, and after !!!"

If that's true, then there have to follow events before

and after we know nothing about if we dont read and trust

in the Holy scriptures, but want to follow our own way !!!

Only the Lord know what and how, lets dont be stupid and arrogant

like children of the fallen eve, who also end as Laodicea church.

But let's trust in that the Lord have it all in and under Hi's

control, - and who can tell the Lord what He have to do ???

Let's get our feet down on earth, we are only 'dust' but He is our

Great Creator and God, who can and will follow the rule of Hi's own

not our's - remember, read and learn from the Almighty's answer to

Job in chpt. 38 and the book out - let's not end as those Jesus say

to: I dont know you ! - why ??? - because they never trusted in, and

follow the word's from God in Obey - but the laodiceas way: we can

do it all by our self, so why do we have to listen to Jesus ???

But Jesus Christ is our only way Home, - Jesus is our Great Redeemer

and Saviour who won Eternal Victory on Golgatha first over sin, and

then over death when He was resurrected as the New Creation of God,

the New Son of Man, - God's New Adam !!!

Praise and Glory for ever to our Great God and Creator !!!

in the love from Jesus Christ our Lord - ><> * - jms.