Frank R Molver (28 Feb 2012)
"Re Clay's vision of the edge."
I meant to comment on this then I was reminded of it by Susan.
THis is Clays post, the edge of the precipice
You know, here we are, at the edge, it is about to happen and we have been watching it unfold on a daily basis.
After this happens, there is no turning back.
Readers -

Last night in prayer after I retired for the day, I experienced the following:

As I went to bed, I closed my eyes in prayer, not really praying about anything specifically, but just "looking unto Jesus" and focusing on Him, I found myself spiritually in an unfamiliar place. I wasn't asleep, and I can't say I saw a vision, but I perceived something unique was happening, which I really don't understand.

I saw myself in an open, flat, and rocky landscape, at night, under a brilliant starry sky - a vast heavens. I stood on the edge of a precipice that dropped straight down. I could not see into the depths. This precipice was more like the end of the world. If you believed the earth was flat, then this was the edge of it. The End. I felt clearly that I really was at the End of something, not just the world, and that there was no way forward. My feet hung over the edge by about a third. I felt this edge under my feet, but I did not feel like I was going to fall. There was no sense of danger, fear, or instability. Even this sense of being out of options forward did not depress me.

I did not look to my right, but to my left I perceived that the edge of this precipice went on into the distance without end. At about 11:00 north/northeast in the very far distance was another land. mountainous, and shrouded in the night, but I saw a few lights there, and there seemed to be some light behind the mountain range. There was no way to get there. period. none. I knew that following the edge to the left would not get me across either.

In this sense of being at the End I was crying out to God with an unusual and fervent yearning. I stretched out my arms to the heavens, and I felt like I was the voice of many, but also the voice of the landscape, and that we (myself, the many and the landscape) were crying out to God, calling on God in utter abandon and unison, and that this cry was echoing into the far heavens I saw before me. This "calling out" came from some very deep place in my spirit and soul that I was not familiar with.

Before me were no options to go forward. My only option lay in Heaven on the Throne, the Lord God Jehovah.

Psalm 42:7
"Deep calleth unto deep at the noise of thy waterspouts: all thy waves and thy billows are gone over me."

There was a very unusual sense about the whole experience, and as it was going on I made a mental note to myself about the peculiar (spiritual) nature of it.