Frank R Molver (27 Feb 2012)
"Jason 234 penny drop and Obama"
Very interesting article.
Obama certainly appears to be the guy
I hope this isn't your last letter
There is a lot of stuff so sometimes things get overlooked.
Hello - I would like to look at January 2008 as the beginning of the count down so to speak of the great event everyone has been looking for. It is the month that Barak Obama first came on the national scene after winning the Iowa Caucus. It is also the month that president bush anounced this countries position that it thinks Israel should give up land for peace based on 1967 borders. It is also the month that the stock market began its great collapse. See 234 weeks from January 2008 brings us to May 2012. Last month I sent you an email stating that I believed things would start with an earthquake in the ring of fire causing destruction to the US west coast, this will once again start the financial collapse of the US. Based on GWB's announcement of Jan. 08, 234 weeks later war will break out in Israel. Some here think this will be the rapture, others are still looking for the strengthing of the Abrahamic Covenant and the beginning of the 70th week of Daniel. I posted this on Facebook a couple days ago and would like to add it here. "Jason Robillard Most people miss the regional versus global aspects of the last kingdom or beast. Dan. 7 vs. Rev. 17. They are both different sets of 10 kings. Regarding the small (young country) horn taking out three horns from the old assyrian empire indeed the day is soon at hand. The young king who is from the head waters of the nile will turn again to the old land. As his country sinks into economic collapse it will rise from the ashes as the last beast. Egypt, Iraq, and ? will be the 3 horns. He will transfer his wealth and power once again into the land of shinar. Zec. 5:11. During this war Jerusalem will suffer heavy loss and will ultimately be given to the nations in exchange for peace. Persia will also suffer loss but will stage one last attempt against this king along with the king of the north but Yeshua himself will defeat them. This (young country) king will take credit for this and eventually declare himself god. He will hate the NWO (harlet) that gave him his start and will destroy her and put in place 10 kings to try to govern the world..... So much we could continue to unveil, indeed all this will bring about the unveiling of the bride, the Lambs wife". I like to end my posts on 5 doves with " I set my gaze on Him who Raptures", and " I look for the Gift Giver rather than the gift." Yeshua prayed in John 17 that His body would be one with Him. See verses 11 and 21. I believe we will become one just as Yeshua prayed and thus will be fullfilled the prophecy "Let us be glad and rejoice and give Him glory, for the marriage of the Lamb has come, and His wife has made herself ready." From what I observe of His body, we still have a long way to go.

Jason R