Frank Molver (2 Feb 2012)
"revelation, the 'Date' is a moving target"

This came to me after reflecting on the prophetic sketches shared here  by 2 new Honk Kong Christians.
It was the sketch shared by Nicole Poon shown below of an arrow aimed at a bird with a target on it.
The meaning they derived was that no one can measure the exact time of his coming.
But I think it means more then that, the bird is a moving target in the air.
Jesus said the date and hour is only known by the father in heaven.
And that is just it. A set date in heaven is not the same as a set day on earth.
You do not tell the enemy when you are going to move.
This is warfare we are involved in, make no mistake about it.
People are dying and suffering.
The troops must trust and have faith in their commander
Besides, we know who will win
But we are not without clues and signals.
Many have shared here events that God has showed them as to what will happen in the future.
So we are not clueless as to the season to prepare are we?.
In the sketches from Nicole Poon you will see many famous monuments under attack
Mike Curtis has also shared some very significant info re this present situation in the Gulf
Kevin from Africa has also sent some excellent material and revelations.
These are just a few.
We are close.