Edwina (11 Feb 2012)
"To Jean Stepnoski re black mass plus 13 day....."

Dear Jean, Shalom!
When I read your post I thought yes, how wonderful, it all fits together! and it also fits with what Ron Reese has been saying about the illuminati having to "announce" their agenda pattern. Brilliant working's out with all the number stuff. I had not seen the specific bird significance and yes, it dove tails with the rising of the pheonix. How dark are these works of darkness and the holy insight from On High! working through you. Praise God!
Thankyou so much for explaining all the detail, I understand it so much better now and I will pray 'double portion' Blessings for all doves in their deliberations this Shabbat!
Shabbat Shalom for later!
Kindest regards and love in Jesus, edwina.