Ed C (11 Feb 2012)
"Alice Bailey, Mathman!"

Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close.  ELAIC.  an anagram for ALICE.
Google "Alice NWO" for more information

WORLD WAR 3  is the NWO

THE TEN STRATEGIES OF THE PLAN – Alice Bailey, New Age Guru.


1. Push God out of the schools. If the people grow up without reference to God, then they will consider God irrelevant to day to day life. In the last fifty years this has happened. God is irrelevant to most people.

2. Break the Traditional Judaeo-Christian Family Concept. Break communication between parents and children so that parents can’t pass on spiritual values to their children. Do this by pushing excessive child rights.

3. Remove restrictions on sex. Sex is the biggest joy and Christianity robs people of this. People must be freed to enjoy it without restrictions. It’s not just for married, it’s for everybody.

4. Since sex is the greatest expression of man’s enjoyment of life, man must be free to express sex in ALL its forms. Homosexuality, orgies, even bestiality are desirable so long as no one is being abused or harmed.

5. People must be free to abort unwanted children. If a man can have sex and then live without the consequences then the same should be true for a woman too. A woman must have the right to abort an unwanted child.

6. Every person develops soul bonds, so when a soul bond wears out a person must be free to divorce. When one starts to grow, one must be free to get together with that person even if they are married . . .

7. Defuse religious radicalism. Christianity says JESUS IS THE ONLY WAY. Defuse this by a) silencing Christianity and b) promoting other faiths (the creation of interfaith harmony)

8. Use the Media to Influence Mass Opinion. Create mass opinion that is receptive to these values by using TV, film, the press etc. (NB what western believers call normal in the African church would be pornography).

9. Debase art in all its forms. Corrupt music, painting, poetry and every expression of the heart and make is obscene, immoral and occultic. Debase the arts in every way possible.

10.Get the church to endorse every one of these nine strategies. Get the church to accept these principles and to say they’re OK (then legal ground is given for these values to get a foothold).


Ed C