Dru (28 Feb 2012)
"Buddy Baker Dreams & Visions Updated 2/27"

Buddy Baker’s Dreams & Visions:

Buddy Baker had is first vision last June 2010, then two weeks later a second vision, then a week apart and a few days apart.  Now they come almost daily and sometimes more than one a day.
February 23, 2012 11:38 pm, while I was in prayer I see Jesus in a white robe standing at the top of some stairs and as He was walking down and coming closer I see He is holding a golden crown in His hands, end.

February 26, 2012 8:15 am, while I was in prayer I see a tiny bright light in a distance and I see some people looking at the light and the light got bigger and brighter and I heard a trumpet sound, end.

Read Buddy Baker dreams and visions online: