Charles (27 Feb 2012)
"Webot predicts climax of current cycle on march 8th"

My wife is watching people blather on about dresses as the golden idol show is on so they can worship each others outfits! How this world is so distracted! Meanwhile a soulless computer program predicts the same thing those of us in the spirit are seeing! Purim march 8th is the possible end date of the age of grace! Hummingbird027 has issued a rapture alert on her channel for Purim! Guys my wife watched Sasha Baron Cohen dressed like saddam Hussein spill Kim Jong ii's ashes on Ryan Seacrest and thought it was the funniest thing! She had me watch and then asked who Kim Jong Ii was was he a real person and if the country in dictator the movie was fictional! Ok college educated fifteen years in church brain on TV do we have to even ask why no one realizes Jesus us coming? They don't get fed the real news just dose after dose of mindless celebrity gossip reality tv and commercials plus political circus! The result no grasp of what is going on in the world no desire to know or care and no understanding of how it relates to prophecy be user they are spoon fed cutesy sermons that substitute for actually reading the bible and watching which they view as some kind of anti social disease and you get where we are in the world right now! Here is what the webot says!

As modelspace is progressed into 2012, the [secrets revealed] meta data layer jumps up to dominance in the first 3/three months of the year to reach its initial peak of activity on March 2, 2012, though the meta data layer persists through 2013. During this period of [secrets revealed], we note that [energy (unleashing/unconstrained)] is forming rapidly in many different entities and it moves into position as the dominating meta data archetype by March 9, 2012.

From March 2 through 9 inclusive represents the peak of the building tension language. The movement of modelspace after this point no longer provides dominant building tension. We are able to progress modelspace out to beyond 2014 (with some difficulty) and there is no sign to that point of the return of building tension language.

IF, and it is one of the huge big IF's, but IF we were able to associate building tension language with the [entrenched powers], and there is some small justification for thinking that we may so do, then it would seem reasonable to say that the [entrenched powers] have their point of destruction within the plateau period of March 2 through 9. Note that without regard to whether the [entrenched elite] are able to start their global thermonuclear war and exterminate most of humanity, the [entrenched elite] are no longer dominating powers after March 10, 2012, though as with all entrenched despots it may take us a while to actually remove them all from the planetary social body.

However, this is explicitly NOT saying that all be birds singing, crops growing, and light and love following that day. In fact the data suggests years of much struggle and hardship and huge levels of suffering, BUT at least we will be returning humanity to its 'natural' or 'organic' state , that of continuous release language as we all interact together freely without an over arching 'guiding force' being foisted on us by self described 'elites', who collectively and individually have clearly demonstrated themselves to be not human (edit) for words!

Seriously guys Daniel was said knowledge would increase greatly and that the book was sealed to the end! We have watching Christians, Madonna at the Super Bowl, and soulless computer analytical programs plus Ron Reese all predicting something that is going to be a game changer and quite horrific for the world happening on March 8th Purim the day God saved Israel from a plot to destroy them! I don't know how clearly to say this but Jesus is coming with clouds the world is watching golden idols being bantered about and this lonely not worthy little canary is crying out in the mineshaft! Please Lord let non who are watching be ashamed! I am sounding the alarm blowing the trumpet we don't have until may 17th time is up get on your knees to pray for your deliverance is near! My wife talks about a fall vacation, my friend a summer camping trip, my boss a lead to follow up years from now and I took my son for a walk to all I said sure I have  we. Saying Jesus is coming get ready and well it all just goes on! God said this was an error they think the world has gone on since creation forgetting Noah kind of hard since him and the ark are on my sons wall! A Webot and the most skilled researching watcher I know of plus this little canary are all sounding the alarm for March 8th! This is the one to pay attention to! My dream the rapture was on a Thursday. I am increasingly convinced of March 8th not May 17th being the day the age of grace abruptly ends and God switches his attention to the apple of his eye! Gird your loins, put on the helmet of salvation, the shield of faith, the sword of the word, the breastplate of rightousness, the loins of truth and on your feet prepare the gospel of peace! Call upon the Lord Jesus now confess Him as lord and believe God raised Him from the dead! Die with Him to self on the cross and rise with him in the power of resurection! Guys we have the trifecta the watching researching Christians, the soulless computer webot, and whoever Madonna fronts for all warning march 8th Purim is well as Caesar also warned beware the Ides of March! On a personal note I have always felt I would never reach the age I will be this year my birthday is ten days after Purim! The Syrian central banks are being shut off the 27th I believe ten days of chaos may be seen the 28th through the March 8th climax in Syria and elsewhere! Get ten days of food and water and fill up tommorow if I am wrong this is a gut feeling not a revelation from God you got some provisions If the power goes out! But as a watchman I am officially souring the alarm do not ignore March 8th be spiritually watching and praying Jesus is coming with clouds I have been told its on a Thursday where I live the day and hour will be different where you do! I am narrowed down to two May 17th ascension day and well March 8th! All the alarms and the low oxygen sensor are going off for the latter! You can tell people right to the face and they blink reset and start talking about what they want to do this summer. Please do you think I want to be here typing this it's so much easier just to drink the blue koolaid and watch the awards show with my wife and say it is Monday gotta chill out worry about me! Except that I cannot add a hair to my head and only God knows how many I got! He's got me to warn you and maybe if I bathe in Jesus blood mmmm the red pill? He will cover me while I am trying to warn those in the mine! Canary crying! Those who have ears let them hear!