Arlene (28 Feb 2012)
"More on the "bride" from Lyn Mize..."

Hi John and Doves.....

As I was kinda "folding it all up" for the evening, I clicked on one last little link (as I always do) and, as usual, I went where I hadn't intended.....but I found that was exactly where I needed to be.  God gives me what I need irregardless of what I am actually searching for.  There is some quality that explains the "bride", but it has evaded me up until now.  And right now I feel like a little kid who has been digging holes and is covered from head to toe in mud.....and enjoying every minute of it!!!  My Lord Jesus makes me clean....and now I understand more about His "bride".  I found an article by Lyn Mize.  He has written a lot of articles I have found really quite wonderful.....but this one "crossed the t" and "dotted the i" that was necessary for me to find.  So, I thought I'd pass it on to the other Doves....and it's a fairly long one, but well worth the read.....

Do I qualify for the "bride"??  Only our Lord knows, but it sure won't be from lack of effort!!!  Searching all this out is the most fun I've had my whole adult life!!!  This is not the way to "win friends and influence people"......but then, those who really love our Lord aren't very good with people on a daily basis anyway.  I sure hope you get as much out of this article as I did....

