Amanda (15 Feb 2012)
"Thank you everyone for your help"

Thank you to Rene, Michelle S, Frank Molver, Gary Newman, Deborah W, Edwina, Charles and Paul Wilson!  You guys brought comfort, peace and direction to me and my thank you and big hugs.  I prayed right after the attack that if anything not good was in his bedroom to reveal it to me and right away I had a quick flash of a Halloween costume/scary sea monster mask in his room.  That I immediately removed and am going to put in a garbage bag for garbage day!!  Also was being nudged that maybe only one other thing in his room was maybe not good.  Recently in the fall him and his sister were getting into Pokemon and have been collecting cards, stuffed animals, toys, books and DS game.  That is the only other evil I could think that's in my home or his room.  I hate anything evil so I'm surprised I could even allow that in the home.  I've just started researching and I'm thinking the Pokemon has got to go!!  I'm in the process of garbaging that too.  I started researching the Pokemon and seeing it is demonic.  And Jeffrey, my son is now connecting the dots to what he has seen linking it to the pokemonsters.  They say that game is linked to Dungeons and Dragons which I as a kids was not allowed to play.  Absoultuely NO evil of any sort do I want in my home and filling my kids.  If you google is pokemon evil you get a whole list of how evil it is.  

My son tonight was EXTREMELY fearful to go to bed.  So I guess its going to take time.  Back in the spring of 2008 is when I was having scary demonnic attacks which lead to Jesus speaking to me.  So I see the link there to.  I figured because we are so close to Jesus coming for us that that's why all the attacks but I still need to remove and evil door that I opened.  Thank you too to all that prayed but did not post.  

Love to all from here in Ohio,