Alan T (27 Feb 2012)
"Michael Colunga Re; " Good news/ Bad news""

If a Christian believes in two raptures, one group raptured by grace, and the other raptured by the Lord at His coming by faith and works in the Tribulation, how could this not affect ones salvation ? Do you think you possess the anointing and power through the Spirit now to make it, and endure to the end amidst overwhelming persecution ? Do you suppose that we in this age of grace live like the devil in licentiousness thinking that we can "do no wrong" since we are under grace ? I for one believe in righteous living, am compelled by the Spirit to judge myself, cringe when i say a wrong word, strive for perfection, don't drink alcohol, do not steal, fornicate, adulterate, lie, etc. We have been to God's wood shed more than once and had mis-behavior whipped out of any consequences that we live with.
No, we do not believe we are getting off scott free from any future sin that we may have a fancy to allow down the road. You obviously miss the whole point of obeying the Lord out of love, commitment, devotion, respect, awe, and eternal gratitude for doing a work of atonement that we were powerless to perform. We believe in confession of sin daily, and do not take anything in the word lightly.
We have to ask ourselves..whom are we trying to justify ? We can do nothing without the Spirit, and so do we give Him the glory for working in and through us to the perfection of a new creature ? Or do we justify ourselves in being right believing that there is only one coming of the Lord, and we keep ourselves until He comes ? I just don't know what the issue is. Perhaps you can clarify.

Alan T