Nando (12 Feb 2011)
"comments to Mercer about The 8 Tetrads since the birth of Christ-Is this all really a coincidence?”"


The 8 Tetrads since the birth of Christ-Is this all really a coincidence?

Mercer today I have read your post with great joy and care. There are many things that I find outstanding with your article.

As a grandfather to a boy named Christopher I find your reference to another Christopher, this being Columbus very exhilarating. You mentioned a lot of facts about this wonderful man and I want to add more data to it.

I have been fortunate to own a book titled Cristobal Colon su vida y descubrimiento a la luz de sus profecias by Kay Brigham. She wrote this book after having discovered in the University of Miami the book published by the Italian government called Raccolta di documenti e studi which contains los Scritti di Cristoforo Colombo. In this book are the original complete text of Libro de las Profecias.

It is very interesting to point out that in his time there was a great fight to contain and defeat the Muslim onslaught of Spain and Europe, much in the same manner that we are experiencing today. In her book Mrs Brigham explains how important it was to find a new way to the Orient that bypassed the lands under the control of the Muslims and Colons desire to liberate Jerusalem from the Muslims. He was a devout Christian and studied the prophecies of the Bible all through his life.

In his book The Last Exodus Mr. Dell E. Sanchez states that Colon was also Jewish and that in his trip most of the crew was Jewish. He states in several interviews that the main money contributor of the trips was also a Jew. God was using His people in a mighty way to fulfill His plans.

Mercer (11 Feb 2011)
œ The 8 Tetrads since the birth of Christ-Is this all really a coincidence?œ


I've worked on this for a while. Since Egypt has exploded I do believe we will see Isiah 19 being fufilled. As a woman with birth pangs, you'll see things quickly spiral out of control. Out of control in every sense of the word. But hold on and look up, Our redemption draweth nigh.

Isaiah 26:19-21

Thy dead [men] shall live, [together with] my dead body shall they arise. Awake and sing, ye that dwell in dust: for thy dew [is as] the dew of herbs, and the earth shall cast out the dead.

Come, my people, enter thou into thy chambers, and shut thy doors about thee: hide thyself as it were for a little moment, until the indignation be overpast.

For, behold, the LORD cometh out of his place to punish the inhabitants of the earth for their iniquity: the earth also shall disclose her blood, and shall no more cover her slain.

I sent this to Pastor Mark Biltz, who discovered the Jewish tetrad, and Gary Stearman from Prophecy in the news.

I have not heard back from Pastor Biltz but I know he read it. The woman who took my call at Prophecy in the news related Gary has read my thoughts and œreally enjoyed my perspective

It's a long œThesis but I think most here will have to admit, it all can't be a coincidence¦..maybe some, but what until you see the 1948²s and the backwards 1948²s in the tetrads.

I believe with all my heart God encoded a message to us here. And one point I had to just shake my head with a big grin¦¦¦..He wasn't going have his people unaware. My goodness, wait until you see what He did for US!!!

He's practically flashing  I'm coming, I'm Coming soooooo soon!

Maybe you will think I have an overly active imagination but numbers don't lie. If the Lord will place Lunar Eclipses on Jewish Feast days to SIGNAL US, then he will make the spacing of them mean something also!!

You will also find a 70  year timeline in the Holocaust to this 2014-2015 Tetrad and a 100 year timeline from the start of WW! in 1914

Feed back is welcomed

