John B (12 Feb 2011)
"More Major Earthquakes----More Messages from God????"

We have had three more major earthquakes since I reported last. So as we have in the past, lets look at these quakes for possible signs, clues, or messages from God.
The first one was a 6.2 quake and happened on Feb. 7th in the Solomon Islands. The greatest characteristic and attribute that King Solomon had and was most noted for was his wisdom. Wisdom that he asked for and was granted from God. So one can only wonder with this quake in the Solomon Islands if God is prompting us to be wise or seek wisdom. To be wise in the happenings that are going on around the planet so that we can recognize the season that we are living in and take appropriate actions for ourselves and actions that may benefit those who don't know Christ as their savior yet. Be wise watchers and wise witnesses to the gospel message and end time prophecy.
The last two major quakes where in the Celebes Sea (south of the Philippines) on Feb. 10th. There was a 6.5 quake followed by a 6.7 quake approximately 2 minutes later. In looking at these quakes for a message from God I did a word study on the word Celebes. That lead me to Celeb-es Sea, Celeb-eses, Celeb-esian, and Celeb-rant. When I got to Celeb-rant I pondered at it's definition. Which is---"A participant in any celebration". Ok, so what are all we Doves waiting for? We are waiting for the Rapture to happen so that we all can be "participants in a great celebration" at the marriage supper of the Lamb.
Now notice that there were two major quakes two minutes apart. This to me speaks of the Rapture where the dead in Christ rise first and then (maybe two minutes later) we who are alive and remain shall be caught up together in the clouds to meet with the Lord in the air.
So maybe God was giving us a "dress rehearsal" for the coming Rapture in these twin quakes that just happened in the Celebes Sea? Two groups of participants heading minutes apart to a celebration in the clouds with their Lord and Savior. You make of it what you will, as for me, it's got dress rehearsal written all over it.
Luke 21:36
John B