Frank R Molver (12 Feb 2011)
"Translation of Devorahli Rod  Iceland volcanic eruption dream."

You know what. I think he is right. It is going to be cold and wet with lots of flooding after this happens.
Think back to the huge world wide floods a year after the giant Philipino volcanic eruption of Mt Pinatubo in 1991
translation of vision below
Day February 6 of them this year or had a vision where I was presented some of the world map. I had half the globe with a country which for me was a fairly large island and that half the globe was whitish and were covered with snow.
Search online and check what had been ...... was ICELAND. Find information about the island continent and I was surprised to see that there is a volcano with a name very difficult to pronounce I think the last active tin. We must pray for this. That will not turn back on?

Devorahli Rod (11 Feb 2011)

Dear doves:
Please get someone who could translate this vision I had on Feb.6 this year.El dia 6 de Feb. de este a~o tuve una vision donde me fue presentado parte de mapa mundial. me presentaron la mitad del globo con un pais que para mi era una isla bastante grande y la esa mitad del globo terraqueo estaba blancuzca como nieve la hubiera cubierto.
Busque en en internet y verifique que lo que habia visto...... era ICELAND. Busque informacion sobre esta isla continente y me sorprendio ver que hay un volcan con un nombre muy dificil de pronunciar que creo el a~no pasado se activo. Hay que orar por esto. No sera que volvera a activarse?? This was a vision sent to another forum.
Today I had seen an article sent by alan clark.
Brothers and sisters:
The Lord is given visions, dreams and words. He is using His people to interceded for the mankind in these end times.!!!