Fay (28 Feb 2011)
"Vicki - more numbers"

Hi John and Doves,
Vicki and all Doves - as you'll ascertain, I've had a head bashing weekend with numbers. I've managed to get myself in a right old tizz but. There were some that worked .......check these out:-
2011 - 9.11 = 2001.89 
2011 - 22.2 = 1988.8   (888)
2011 - 33.3 = 19 77.7 (777)
2011 - 55.5 = 19 55.5 (555)
It may be simple math but these calculations don't work with any other year. There's something very special about the year, 2011. It's obviously "common sense" but, goodness, in such a prophetic time with such prophetic, biblical numbers? The 9/11 was what blew me away. It doesn't work with other dates. The math makes perfect sense - a child could do it - but it doesn't happen with other years and famous dates. There's something very neat and tidy about it.