And when these things begin to come to pass, then look up, and lift up your heads; for your redemption draweth nigh. Luke 21:28
John - What an encouraging word to quicken our spirits to the lateness of the hour and the nearness of His returning:
When is the Antichrist going to show up?
I can bear witness to your statement:
I believe I was the first person on the internet to have named the Antichrist based on the standard English gematria of his name -- Barack Hussein Obama -- which is 793. Everyone was focusing on the number 666; but God in His wisdom, has some other ideas how His puzzle is to be solved.
All the evidence I’ve seen over these many years, you were the first person on the internet to name the Antichrist as BHO based on the standard English gematria number 793.
I also noticed something as I reread your 2008 letter from your embedded link:
It still amazes me that the sum of the three 666 verse counts in the OT totals 41 x 793 while the one 666 verse count in the NT equals 39 x 793 which I validated using King James Pure Bible Search.
Anyway, while I was rereading all this, I noticed something new, at least for me. I don’t know if I’m the first one to discover it, but it took my breath away. First, there is only one verse of the four 666 verses in the King James Bible which actually has three 6’s. In other words, where the number is translated as “six hundred sixty and six”. All the others use the term “three score” instead of “sixty”.
The children of Adonikam, six hundred sixty and six. Ezra 2:13
Every jot and tittle has a reason. There must be some reason only this verse has three sixes, only this verse has the number six emphasized three times. There must be something special God has hidden about Adonikam. Assuredly, Obama must in some way be kin to Adonikam, if not physically, then definitely spiritually?
And then as I stared at the name “Adonikam” I saw it. Start reading at the 6th letter of adonikam and read backward, wrapping around to read every letter in the word. Notice when reading backward from right to left the “o” is immediately followed by the vertical column of the “d” as it would be with the vertical column of the letter “b” when read normally from left to right if the next letter was “b”. In other words, “d” is the mirror image of “b”. And then I saw the answer to my question in the Word of God as I read the phrase “kin obama”. Wow!
To John’s question, “Is the Man of Sin revealed?”, since the Bible literally spells it out, I’d answer with a resounding yes!
(For those unfamiliar with looking at the mirror image of letters, there are only 2 pairs of letters that are the mirror images of each other. The first pair is “b” and “d” and the second pair being “p” and “q”.)
After finding this, I ran across a letter from Kevin Heckle in 2009, (Barack and 666 degrees of a Circle), where he points out that OBAMA is IN the name ABINOAM if first you take out the IN and read backward starting with the O. Again, this points to at least spiritually, OBAMA is IN the seed of ABINOAM. In this letter, Kevin also had looked at the numerical equivalences of “BARACK OF HAWAII” so I did the same and found the triangle numbering where a=1,..q=153..etc. resulted in a value of 793. Interesting!
John, you also wrote:
Since the antichrist is counterfeit christ, his number is the mirror of JESUS in Hebrew, 397! (see link) The 1189 chapters in the Bible attest to this mirroring: chapter 793 is chapter 397 counting from the last chapter! If you sum all numbers from 1 to 793, the total is 397 x 793 !!!!!
Adding to this, I noticed the name above all names, “Jesus” is found 973 times in the King James Bible. The number 973 is an analog to 397 by moving the “3” from the first position to the last position in the number. The first shall be last. In like fashion, the name “Jesus” in these 973 occurrences stretches from the first verse in the first chapter of the first book of the New Testament as found in Matthew 1:1 to the last verse in the last chapter of the last book of the Bible as found in Revelation 22:21.
I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the end, the first and the last. Revelation 22:13
Also, the “1189 chapters in the Bible” attest in this case to “the antichrist, the counterfeit christ” as 1189 minus 973 equals 216, the infamous product of 6 x 6 x 6.
A third witness is 216 is the number of times the name “Joshua”, appears in the King James Bible. Found only in the Old Testament, it is a substitute, a counterfeit, a replacement for the name of the Son of the Living God, the name above all names, the name of “Jesus”. It is commonly known that in Hebrew, both “Joshua” and “Jesus” are etymologically the same word.
That at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; Philippians 2:10
It’s as if we have only scratched the surface when comparing the polar opposite differences between Jesus Christ and antichrist.
We all know that Jesus Christ is the Living Word of God. He not only supernaturally inspired the writing down of the original verses of the Living Word of God by many human scribes over many centuries which is accepted by Christendom. But Jesus Christ is NOT DEAD, but ALIVE today as the Living Word of God with overwhelming evidence for the supernatural translation, preservation and spreading of His Word in many languages including at least the King James Bible in English. Many of these amazing evidences has been documented by Brandon Petersen of Truth is Christ -. One of the most amazing is The Elton Anomaly 7^7 | We Counted the Entire Bible 🤯 where they meticulously counted every single “word” of a specific standard King James version Bible. The total word count came to exactly 7^7 which is 823,543 words.
Comparing this to the antichrist, 6^6 comes to 46,656. Note that 6 is not a prime number like 7 but is a compound number of two numbers as the product of 2 times 3. Sort of like the antichrist having two horns.
This number, 46,656 can be broken down to being the product of 64 times 729. Note that 2^6 = 64 while 3^6 = 729. Instead of taking the product of the two roots of 6 raised to the 6th power, i.e. 2^6 x 3^6, take the sum as in 2^6 + 3^6 and the result is 793. Goosebumps!
But it doesn’t stop there. Consider the number equivalents of various names. Already discussed is that “Barack Hussein Obama” counting in the English alphabet Base 10 after the Hebrew & Greek counting where a=1, b=2, …j=10, k=20, …s=100, t=200,.. = 793. Also, remember that while Jesus Christ has been pictured with a halo like His father, antichrist has been pictured with two horns like his father. And in previous posts it has been pointed out that the Revelation beast of the earth has two horns and starts after the seven headed, two horned beast of the sea which can be assigned US Presidents Carter through Trump as the seven heads with the Popes reigning during each President making up the 10 horns. Obama was of course the sixth head and had two Popes as horns, those being Benedict XVI and Francis. But he suffered a head wound when Hillary was not elected as the seventh head.
6. Barack Obama
2009 – 2017
8. Benedict XVI
9. Francis
Likewise, many have noted that Obama has played the role of king maker or puppet master for Biden from 2021 – 2024 while Harris served as President for 85 minutes in 2021 while Biden was under anesthesia.
Head of Earth Beast
Reign with Horns
1. Barack Obama
1/20/2021 - 1/20/2025
1. Joe Biden
2. Kamala Harris
Note the result of 2^6 = 64 = Joe Biden in simple starting at 1 where a=1, b=2, c=3, d=4…z=26. The result of 3^6 = 729 = Kamala Iyer Harris in simple starting at 36 where a=36, b=37, c=38…z=61. And the result of 64 + 729 = 793 = Barack Hussein Obama after Hebrew & Greek counting a=1, b=2, …j=10, k=20 AND amazingly also after the simple starting at 36 like Kamala. I cannot take credit for discovering BHO = 793 in this second completely different numbering system and give credit to the person who posted it on Five Doves, Dennis Pittinger.
It must be noted that horns are used to execute the will of the head which fits Biden and Harris. Fittingly, BHO is also the last names of the three persons shown above in the Earth beast with Harris having a very short horn while Biden being the main horn through whom Obama’s will was/is executed.
Keeping this in mind, let’s look at the numbers of various names using the Prime numbering system where A=1, B=2, C=3, D=5, E=7, F=11, etc. In this numbering system “Harris”= 216, “Joseph Robinette Biden Jr” = 666, “Barry Barack Hussein Obama” = 666, and “Michelle LaVaughn Robinson Obama = 793.
Also, of interest in this same Prime numbering system, “JD Vance” = 153, and “Donald John Trump” = 531. The number “153” should be instantly recognized by number watchers. And in like fashion that the number 973 is an analog to 397 by moving the “3” from the first position to the last position in the number, 531 is an analog of 153 by moving the “1” from the first position to the last position in the number.
And finally, at the 46:51 minute mark of the following video:
✍️ [NEW!] Jaw-dropping 666 Discovery Utterly Proves the King James Bible is God's Preserved Word
It shows there are 727 occurrences in the King James Bible containing the word “serpent”, “more”, or “subtil”. The first occurrence of all three words in the Bible are found in Genesis 3:1 which is the 666th verse in the Bible. Ecclesiastes 7:27 is the 666th chapter in the Bible, bringing us back to 727. But what really drew my attention to 727 is that 727 + 66 = 793.
Ted Porter
Wow! Thanks, Ted!
The LORD brought to my remembrance what I wrote in another post in 2008 on the Greek gematria of the LORD JESUS CHRIST. In light of what I discovered on the number 4048 (2024+2024), I was stunned that 4048 is also the Greek gematria of LORD JESUS CHRIST as found in 1 Thess 1:1 & 2 Thess 1:1 !!!
I will need to update my post.