More articles at > researcher William Fredericks posted this article back in JAN 2024.documenting more evidence of a potential MAJOR California earthquake to strikeon 1/28/2025. Of course this is speculation as no one can say with 100% certainty such a majornatural event will happen on an EXACT DATE, let alone an exact location, even though manyscientists are saying California is LONG OVERDUE for a MAJOR earthquake.
That said, this article presents MANY Ominous Bible syncs that support William's hypothesis,plus real world Prophetic Warning Signs and amazing personal synchronicities pointing to acoming MAJOR California earthquake in 2025 in general, and while speculative,lots of syncs pointing to the EXACT date of 1/28/2025. Even more this all brings to lightfurther confirmations of the Great Tribulation start/stop dates >4/19/2025 >>> 1260 days >>> 9/30/2028On 12/5/2024 right as I was putting this article together a 7.0 MAG QUAKE struck NORTHERN CA !!!More on the prophetic significance of this as a PRE WARNING Sign for 2025 below............................................................................................................................................................................................So the most important thing to do with info like this is GO TO THE LORD in PRAYER with it.
Ask the LORD for a confirming SIGN if you are where he wants you to be or if you should be MOVING !There are plenty of Bible stories where GOD has warned his Saints to get out of a danger zone.On the other hand a few times GOD has his Saints be right in the danger zone as a powerful witness.
"By faith Noah, being divinely warned of things not yet seen,moved with godly fear, prepared an ark for the saving of his household,"Hebrews 11:7
So LUKE is one of only 7 Bible books that have chapter/verse configurations of the propheticdates > 4:19><20:25 < and 9:30><20:28 < And of these 7 books LUKE is the only one that has a> 1:28><20:25 < chapter/vs config while also having the word earthquake in text in LUKE 21:11.
LUKE 21:11 is the Lord himself speaking about Prophetic Signs in these END TIMES.
"And there will be great earthquakes in various places,and famines and pestilences; and therewill be fearful sights and great signs from heaven."LUKE 1:28 LUKE 20:25 LUKE 21:11!.................883 vs...........!...................33 vs................!A=1,B=2 etc > 88=California>< 33 latitude line runs thru^^^^^^^^^ Southern California ^^^^^^^^^These are ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ synced togetherVS numbers ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ totalof LUKE > 28 + 911 + 944 = 1883Notice 2025 - 57-85 = = = 1883Calendar year 2025 covers 5785 Jewish Year we're in right now !!Notice ITALY has a very similar shape to CALIFORNIA !!![]()
So here's where the syncs turn very intriguing. On 7/28/1883 thousands were killedin an earthquake in Italy. Notice the local time it occurred was 20:25 hrs wow !!Notice from 1/28/2025 >> its exactly 1698 months to >> 7/28/1883^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^In Strong's Hebrew # 1698 is pestilence which is the wordsynced together with earthquake in LUKE 21:11 !! wow !!Gematria Calculator - 777codes ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^And in reverse standard gematria > pestilence = 2025 !! wow !!So these syncs alone should have us on HIGH ALERT on 1/28/2025 . But there's Much More.40.7 degrees latitude was the location of this
ITALY earthquake which is the same 40.7 degrees latitude line that passesthru the location of the Twin II Towers destroyed 9/11/2001 in NYC.Again notice above verse number 911 of book is LUKE 20:25 !!See > Dimitru Duduman prophetic revelations.Stage 1 ???pestilence???Fall of Babylon ???earthquake??? Start DateTwin II Towers prophetic Greatdestroyed sync date Tribulation9/11/2001. 1/28/2025. > 4/19/2025 <!.......................8540 days..................!.............81 days...................! ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ in math the 81st prime#=419. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ! 81 + 419=20X25^^^^^^^^ !.............2 mnths 22 days..........!^^^^^^^^ Revelation 2:22 has Great Tribulation^^^^^^^^ in text of the verse. ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1260 days to^^^^^^^^ END DATE^^^^^^^^ Great8540 = 35 X 122X2 Tribulation^^^^^^ 3.5yrs is ^^^^^^^^^ 9/30/2028^^^^^^ same as 1260 days PSALM 122:2 is last vs with 20:28gematria^^^^^^ using 360 day calendar. From Psalm 65:9 vs 930 Psalms itsGreat ^^^^^^ Great 1222 verses ^^^^^^^^^^^Tribulation ^^^^^^ Tribulation to PSALM 122:2 ^^^^^^^^^^^in text of vs ^^^^^^ in text of vs "Lo, I will be with youRevelation 2:22 ^^^^^^ Revelation 7:14 always even to The!.........85 vs..............! End of the Age."40th book of Bible is Matthew ending with >> Matthew 28:20 .Matthew last vs is chapter 957+vs1071= 2028Matthew begins with chapter 930. ^^^^^^So Matthew beginning to end reveals > 9/30/2028 <40.7 degrees latitude is also the location of
HELENA CA. And earlier this year we had Prophetic Sign HURRICANE
HELENE cause incredible damage in western NCafter it smashed into Florida ???earthquake??? Properties of the number 181on the night of sync date9/26/2024 1/28/2025. Start Date!...............4 mnths 2 days.........! ^^^^^^^^ Great! 42nd Bible book is LUKE. Tribulation! The 42nd prime number in math is 181. > 4/19/2025 <!................same as 124 days...!...81 days.................................!^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Only vs in entire Bible with a 12481 gematria ct is LUKE 24:27.^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ And beginning at Moses and allearthquake ^^^^^ all the Prophets, He expoundedpestilence ^^^^^ to them in all the Scripturesin text of vs ^^^^^ the things concerning Himself .LUKE 21:11 ^^^^^ LUKE 24:27.!......................181 vs........!...................................................................................................................................................Prophetic latitude line 40.7 degrees.^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^"And the period that he reigned over Israel was 40 years; 7 yearshe reigned in Hebron, and 33 years he reigned in Jerusalem"1st Chronicles 29:27 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ pestilence^^^^^^^^^^ earthquakeLUKE 1:28 LUKE 20:25 ^^^^^^^^^^ LUKE 21:11!.................883 vs...........!........................33 vs.............! parallelIn math 883 is the 153rd prime # matchOnly vs in Bible with number 153 in text is >>>>>> JOHN 21:11^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Ominous # syncs for 1/28/2025 > This is coming > earthquake / pestilence...............................................................................................................................................7 Bible books have a chapter verse configuration of 40:7 matchingthe Prophetic latitude line of 40.7 degrees.Simply adding up the Bible verse numbers of these 7 we get1180+2715+13872+14533+18428+19949+21485 = 92162San Diego California is where 92162 ZIP CODE is located !!Horton Plaza is the location of 92162 ZIP CODE.
Here is pic of 1969 Horton Plaza and here is Horton Plaza 2024.On 12/1/2024 I called my friend John Carman who lives in San Diego CA andbegan telling him about these earthquake syncs which we had never talked about before.Right there on the phone as we were talking John was randomly scrolling thru a generalfacebook page and Lo and Behold, out of the blue, John see's this old 1969 photo ofHorton Plaza !! wow !! Also John told me right before I called him he was lookingat "TESLA'S earthquake MACHINE" !! wow !!ELON MUSK is the ???pestilence???CEO of TESLA. ???earthquake???He was born on prophetic sync date6/28/1971 1/28/2025.!........................its exactly 643 months to.........................! 643 is the 117th prime number in math.Longitude line 117 degrees runs right thruSan Diego California !!! OMG !!!...
Latitude line 33 degrees runs just north of San Diego CA starting at Solana Beach.With the intersection of these longitude 117><33 latitude lines in CA, an amazing syncoccurs in the Bible. The only vs with 11733 gematria ct in the entire Bible is......
"And they had as king over them the angel of the bottomless pit,whose name in Hebrew is Abaddon,but in Greek he has the name Apollyon."Revelation 9:11 has 11733 gematria ct.^^^^^^^^ Abaddon means Destroyer !!LUKE 20:25 is vs # 911 of LUKE. ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ "And there will be great earthquakes in various places,^^^^^^^^^^^^ and famines and pestilences; and there^^^^^^^^^^^ will be fearful sights and great signs from heaven."LUKE 1:28 LUKE 20:25 ^^^^^ LUKE 21:11!.................883 vs........!...................33 vs.................!A=1,B=2 etc > 88 = California
Its pretty ominous looking, seeing the Bible itself syncs Abaddon the Destroyerto Southern California by latitude/longitude coordinates, with focus on year 2025.......................................................................................................................................................See Pearl Harbor > Sea scenario = MAJOR DEATH event coming???pestilence??? Spring of 2025 to officially confirm the???earthquake??? Start Dateprophetic Greatsync date TribulationLUKE 1:28 LUKE 4:19 LUKE 20:25!................161 vs...........!..........722 vs.................! As noted above the161 divided by 722 = .22299><911 vs#is LUKE 20:25 !!^^^^^^ ^^^^^99=9x11 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^As noted above from 1/28/2025 >> its 2 mnths 22 days to > 4/19/2025 <And Revelation 2:22 has Great Tribulation in text.So the Bible itself is showing us these two dates are prophetically synced together.The last MAJOR earthquake in ^^^^^ ???earthquake???pestilence???the world was the TURKEY QUAKE ^^^^^ propheticwith aprox 60,000 dead. It struck on ^^^^^ sync date2/6/2023 ^^^^^ 1/28/2025!..........................................................722 days..................................................!The only vs in the Bible that syncs a Death Count together with an earthquake is Revelation 11:13where 7000 die there. When the TURKEY QUAKE struck and the death toll rose above7000 a few days later, I believe I heard from the Lord, "The next time a MAJOR earthquakestrikes, and the death toll rises above 7000 , it will be an extremely Prophetic event."INTERSTATE 5 runs the entire length of California
starting at San Diego California in the south. This link shows the worst earthquakesby death toll this 21st century > can see it is the TURKEY QUAKE of 2/6/2023 in 5th place !!!!!And this gets more intriguing because 722 is a KEY number in William's Fredericksarticle! In the Movie 2012 a time of 7:22 on a watch is shown.The 442nd minute of the day is 7:22 am.Apt # 4420 is also shown in the movie 2012.A=1,B=2 etc> 442 = California earthquake Two Thousand Twelve.The Movie 2012 is based on a 10.9 magnitude QuakeDestroying California.................... And Day of year 109 will be the the date^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ???pestilence??? > 4/19/2025 <The Movie ???earthquake??? Start Date2012 was prophetic Greatreleased on sync date Tribulation11/13/2009 1/28/2025. > 4/19/2025 <!...............5555 days.......!....................81 days..............!^^^^^^^Number 5555 in Strong's Greek is for the word Chrysolite which only appearsin one vs in the Bible Revelation 21:20."the fifth sardonyx, the sixth sardius, the seventh Chrysolite,the eighth Beryl, the ninth topaz, the tenth chrysoprase,Start Book of the eleventh jacinth, and the twelfth amethyst." End of BibleRevelation Revelation 21:20 Revelation 22:21!..........................376 vs......................!....................28 vs............................!^^^^^^ ^^^^^This amazing vs has already prophetically synced with a real world Prophetic Signwhen HURRICANE Beryl came up thru the 28th state Texas back on 7/9/2024and passed right over the X marks the spot in southern Illinois where theProphetic Total Solar Eclipses of 8/21/2017 Great Tribulationand 4/8/2024 crossed paths. > 4/19/2025 <!................376 days....................................................!The exact 37.6 latitude line passes thru the X marks the spot in southern Illinoiswhere these Prophetic Total Solar Eclipses crossed paths.And in Strong's greek number 969 is Beryl.And In standard gematria > 969 = California earthquake.And Methuselah was age 969 when the Great Flood struck in Genesis 7. So theclear implication of these syncs are HURRICANE Beryl in combination with theseProphetic Total Solar Eclipses are Prophetic Warning Signs of a comingCalifornia earthquake and Start of the Great Tribulation 2025 !!
See full Beryl article > 7/1/2024 Prophetic Sign Cat 5 Hurricane Beryl+7/9/2024 syncs to Great Tribulation 4/19/2025 to 9/30/2028When Beryl was at the ???earthquake???pestilence???X marks the spot propheticin southern Illinois on sync date7/9/2024 1/28/2025.!.......................exactly 6 months 19 days to...........!Area Code 619 is San Diego California.......................................................................................................!..........................................Prophetic Sign Prophetic Sign !Total Solar Eclipse HURRICANE Beryl ???pestilence???passed over X passed over X ???earthquake???marks the spot marks the spot propheticSouthern Illinois Southern Illinois sync date4/8/2024 7/9/2024 1/28/2025.!.....................92 days....!....203 days..........................!Zipcode 92203 is location of Bermuda Dunes CA >
The San Andreas Fault line runs right thru this 92203 zipcode area !!In fact what these Prophetic Signs of Total Solar Eclipse+HURRICANE Berylin sync are also revealing is starting on 1/1/2025 to end of year 12/31/2025 allzipcodes between 92176 and 92540 are being targeted. And every zipcodein this range, are all in Southern California !!! WOW !!!.......................................................................................................................................Also quite revealing zipcode 92284 synced to > 4/19/2025 < by these Prophetic Signs isYucca Valley in area code 442 !! As we just documented above,,_CaliforniaThe 442nd minute of the day is 7:22 am.Apt # 4420 is shown in scene in movie 2012.A=1,B=2 etc> 442 = California earthquake Two Thousand Twelve.In the Movie 2012 a time of 7:22 on a watch is shown.Start DateGreatProphetic Sign TribulationTURKEY QUAKE LUKE 4:19 >>> 722 vs to >>> LUKE 20:252/6/2023 ^^^^^ 1/28/2025!..........................................................................722 days............................!This woman is speaking aCalifornia earthquake Start DateProphecy same day HURRICANE GreatMILTON smashed into Florida on Tribulation10/9/2024 > 4/19/2025 <!.............................................192 days........................!See MILTON article. A=1,B=2 etc > 192 = Great TribulationHurricane Milton Prophetic Sign+S&P500 Signs+"DAVID/ELIJAH" prophetic syncs+"WALLUS ALLEN" Dream....^^^^^^^^^^^^............................???pestilence??? ^^^^^^^^^^^^The Movie ???earthquake??? Start Date2012 was prophetic Greatreleased on sync date Tribulation11/13/2009 1/28/2025. > 4/19/2025 <!.....exactly 13 yrs + 4X19 days....!.......81 days.........................!^^^^ 419 is the 81st prime # in math.^^^^ 419 + 81 = 20x25^^^^ ^^^^^^^^exactly 13 Bible books have a > 4:19><20:25 chapter/vs configuration.And the total verse ct between these points for all13 of these books is 6886 verses. List of palindromeIn math the 158th palindrome number is 6886.12/26/2004 Destroying CaliforniaA=1,B=2 etc >158 = Great EarthQuake158 minutes is the running time of the movie 2012 !! Could this movie be'predictive programming' for MAJOR earthquake to strike California in 2025 ???!!!...............................................................................................................................................The worst earthquake by ???pestilence???death toll this century was the ???earthquake???Indian Ocean Tsunami that propheticstruck on sync date12/26/2004 1/28/2025!..............exactly 20 yrs 1 mnth 2 days...................! ^^^^^^! The movie titled 2012 is all about a MAJOR earthquake!...............exactly 20 yrs 2 mnths 5 days to 3/3/2025 ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Latitude line 33 degrees runs thru^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Southern California. earthquake^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^ pestilence in textVS # 911 of LUKE > LUKE 20:25 >>>>>>>> 33 vs to > LUKE 21:11.......................................................................................................................................................................................Prophetic Sign Prophetic Sign Prophetic Sign < This is the largest MagnitudeTotal Solar Eclipse HURRICANE Beryl 7.0 Magnitude <quake to strike USA in 2024.passed over X passed over X Earthquake Start Datemarks the spot marks the spot STRUCK GreatSouthern Illinois Southern Illinois NORTHERN CA ! Tribulation4/8/2024 7/9/2024 12/5/2024 4/19/2025.!................92 days..!...149 days..............!........exactly 135 days..........!
ZIPCODE 92149 is in See below Flt 182 all 135 on the plane died+San Diego CA !! 7 died on the ground in San Diego CAProphetic SignThe worst plane crash in ???pestilence???California history is the ???earthquake???crash of Flt 182 all 135 on the propheticplane died in San Diego CA sync dateon 9/25/1978 1/28/2025!..................exactly 16927 days.........................................! ^^^^^^Properties of the number 16927 16927 is the 1952nd prime #. ^^^^^^^From 1952 its 73 years to 2025The Kern County CA earthquake of 1952 was 7.3 magnitude.The Kern County CA earthquake at the time 7.3 mag was the strongest to hitCalifornia since the 1906 earthquake of 7.9 magnitude.Since 1952 only the Eureka quake of 1980 and the Inland Empire quake of 1992have matched the strength of 7.3 magnitude of the Kern County CA earthquake.....................................................................................................................................................Now simply add up all these MAJOR quake CA years we get >1906+1952+1980+1992+ 2025 = 9855 = 135 X 73 !!The crash of Flight 182 All 135 people onboard the plane died !!These syncs clearly imply 2025 is going to be a MAJOR earthquake year forCalifornia with highest probability 1/28/2025 ....................................................................................................................................................Here is a scene from the original SUPERMANmovie where Lex Luthor is explaining hisEVIL plan to hit the San Andreas Fault with Start DateMissles and trigger a massive earthquake !! GreatSUPERMAN was released in USA on Tribulation12/15/1978 4/19/2025.!..............................16927 days.................................!Crash of CA Flt 182 all 135 die. ^^^^^^^^ ???earthquake???pestilence???9/25/1978 >>>>>>>>> 16927 days >>>>>>>>> 1/28/2025Prophetic Sign
7.0 Magnitude
Flt 182 all 135 on the plane died+ ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^Earthquake Start Date End DateSTRUCK Great GreatNORTHERN CA ! Tribulation Tribulation12/5/2024 4/19/2025. 9/30/2028!........exactly 135 days...................!......................1260 Days...................!
7 died on the ground in San Diego CA. ^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^Flt 182 crashed at the exact location of "Dwight and Nile" streets.^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^Z=1,Y=2 etc> 221 = "Dwight and Nile" 130 = "Dwight and Nile" <A=1,B=2 etc<^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ 1260 Day ^^^^^ 1260 Day^^^^^ Great Tribulation ^^^^^ Great TribulationStart Book of ^^^^^ timeline in text of vs ^^^^^ timeline in text of vsDANIEL ^^^^^ DANIEL 7:25 ^^^^^ DANIEL 12:7!......................221 vs to.............!..................130 vs to...................!.....................................................................................................................................Prophetic Signs in the Heavens"He shall speak pompous words against the Most High, Shall persecutethe saints of the Most High, And shall intend to change times and law.Then the saints shall be given into his hand For a time, and times and half a time."DANIEL 7:25"Then I heard the man clothed in linen, who was above the waters of the river,when he held up his right hand and his left hand to heaven, and swore by Him who livesforever, that it shall be for a time, times and half a time; and when the power of theholy people has been completely shattered, all these things shall be finished."DANIEL 12:7This the onlyTotal Lunar Eclipse Prophetically Synced Start Date End Dateto occur a Federal Election with the next Great Greatday in all USA HISTORY ! Total Lunar Eclipse Tribulation Tribulation11/8/2022 on 3/14/2025, 4/19/2025. 9/30/2028!.........857 days..............!..17 days+ 19 days..!......1260 days.....!857 + 862 = 1719 ^^^^DANIEL Chapter 857 and 862 of Bible are where in ^^^^DANIEL 7:25 and DANIEL 12:7 , the first and Second places the 1260 dayGreat Tribulation timeline >"time, times and half a time" < is seen in text.The crash of Flt 182 also prophetically syncswith REVELATION 18:2 , where "Babylon is Fallen is Fallen"prophetic phrase appears in text for the 3rd and last time in the Bible,prophetic for Stage 3 Fall of Babylon Prophecy = Armegeddonto be executed 9/30/2028. See > Dimitru Duduman prophetic revelations......................................................................................................................................Called the California NEBULAbecause of its similar shape to thestate of California . Start Date End DateNASA chose the California NEBULA Great Greatas its Astronomy picture of the Day on Tribulation Tribulation10/22/2022 4/19/2025. 9/30/2028!.......................exactly 910 days.......!......1260 days.....!^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^910 divided by 1260 = .722^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^From LUKE 4:19 to 20:25 its 722 verses.^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^VS# 153 of Book is Revelation 9:10. ^^VS#^^^^^^^^^ ^^911^^ pestilenceThe 153rd prime # in math is 883 . of LUKE earthquake^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^ in text of vs^^^^^^^ LUKE 1:28 ^^^^^^ LUKE 20:25 LUKE 21:11^^^^^^^ !...............883 vs...........!..............33 vs..............! parallel^^^^^^^ A=1,B=2 etc > 88=California><33 latitude match^^^^^^^ line runs thru Southern California . ^^^^^^^Only vs with 153 number in text is >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> JOHN 21:11^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^Ominous # syncs for 1/28/2025 > This is coming > earthquake / pestilence...........................................................................................................................................................................................GOD BLESS....comments welcome to Stephen