I believe this video below is very, very much worth watching! I vouch for Pastor Phillip Barnett, as I believe he is a very solid Christian and quite sincere. The essence of this video begins at the 27 minute mark. After watching this, feel free to send this to whomever you wish. In 2007 Pastor Phillip Barnett was given a prophecy from God that Russia would invade Ukraine. Well, at that time such a prophecy made absolutely no sense whatsoever! But guess what? Russia has invaded Ukraine and a war is ongoing there right now! Biden (not the smartest chap!) has been sending U.S. military equipment (F-16 fighter jets and other military equipment) to Ukraine to be used against the Russians. Vladimir Putin has been warning the U.S. about this, but to deaf ears in the Biden administration.
Now here is where it gets very, very interesting! This war is going to lead to a nuclear attack upon the United States by Russia at virtually the same time as the Rapture of the Church! I am sending this email out to a large number of my email recipients. After watching the video, and it is not that long from the 27 minute mark onward, please feel free to email me your thoughts if you wish.
In the "parable of the fig tree" in Scripture, the "generation" to witness Israel's return as a nation (May 14, 1948) will witness all end time events come to pass! Israel is now over 76 years old, and after the upcoming Rapture will be the terrifying 7 year Tribulation Period, which will culminate with the Second Coming of Israel's long rejected Messiah, Who is Christ. If you are reading this email and you have never received Jesus (Who by the way was born into the world 2000 years ago Jewish!) to be your Lord and Savior, pray a simple prayer and ask Him into your heart today! I promise you that you will not regret it! I am Jewish and I asked Him to be my Lord and Savior way back in 1979, and it was by far the best decision of my life!
You really don't want to miss the Rapture! It is coming soon! There is so very much Scripture that I could present, but for this email just one verse: 1 Thessalonians 5:3 states concerning these End Times in which we are living, "While they are saying, 'Peace and safety!' then destruction will come upon them suddenly like birth pangs upon a woman with child; and they shall not escape." Suddenly? Yes, suddenly! You see we are living in the very first time in human history in which there are intercontinental ballistic nuclear missiles and nuclear missiles that can be launched from submarines!
Now is not the time to be playing around with God! This is serious! You must know Israel's long rejected Messiah as your Lord and Savior, and you will escape what is coming!
P.S. If you have not done so already, "google" Rapture dreams and visions! You will be amazed at how many Christians are having these! Just be discerning as you watch these.
Begin at the 27 minute mark to save some time, but you can begin at the beginning if you wish.