ALIEN FBI REPORTSUFO PART 01Warning to the World
by Luis B.
The following are selected FBI Documents of UFO Reports from various FBI Field Officers that were compiled into a PDF Document, labeled: UFO Part 1. It is downloadable off the FBI Website. This was pointed-out by the former FBI Agent, John DeSouza. He was an FBI Special Agent working on Counter-Terrorism and Paranormal Cases for 25 Years. He conducted many Investigations and collected the real ‘X-FILES’ used on the top-rated Television Show, ‘The X-Files’. In the PDF Document UFO Part 1, Page 22 is of a 1-Page Document; a Report from an FBI Agent at the Time who happens to be also a Scientist, an Academic from a University.
He wrote the Report to all Scientists, at the Time in 1947. It coincided with the Roswell UFO Retrieval Operation. The 1-Page Summary is from his Informant that he said was ‘Supernormal’, or another way of saying Paranormal. Based on DeSouza’s Assessment, the Context outlined appears to look like his Informant was an ‘Alien’ Entity. This Alien Informant gave several Assertions that Humanity needed to know. There were 8 of them that the FBI Field Officer then put in his 1-Page Report. The Alien Informant declared that the ‘Real’ UFOs are not physical and that they are from another ‘Level of Reality’ or Dimension, etc.
Apparently, they have the Ability to appear in the Human Plane of Existence where they can take-on levels of Physicality. It was disclosed that these Alien Beings can transform into a Physical Form, but for only short Periods of Time. Obviously, if the Biblical Narrative of Genesis 6 is correct, and it is, the Fallen Angels, who are Beings of Light can also take on Physicality. This was the case in how they then are able to Procreate and Sexually breed with Human Women in that a Hybridization between an Angel and a Human is possible. Amazing. But realize that as Angels are Spiritual Beings, so are Humans.
The ‘Alien’ Informant further elaborated that, what is now called the ‘Biologics’ or the Grays found in some of the UFOs that have been either downed and crashed, actually exists and comes with Aliens to carry-out tasks for them. One surmises that these are the Genetically Modified ‘Space Suits’ of Flesh so that Demon Spirits can possess them. The Alien Informant then states that the ‘Real’ UFOs are actually made of some kind of Plasma Type of Shifting Material that can cloak.
‘Alien’ InformantsAnd that the Crafts can actually convert from whatever from Metallic-Appearing to Light Orbs. These Types of Space Crafts are the Plasmoids, which are the Orbs and not Drones that have Flashing Lights. However, the Drones of the Present Day have now incorporated very Advanced Technology, thanks to the Reverse Engineered Technology derived from all the Retrieved UFO Crash Sites, etc. So, the Point is that the ‘Real’ UFOs are not Physical but they can appear to be Physical and cannot be shot-down. The ones that have been as it has happened in the United States and in Russia are the Crafts that the Greys operate.
The following Section will delve into the UFO Documents, reported from various FBI Agents assigned to investigate UFO Sightings. They documented on what their Informants stated about the ‘Shining Ships’ and the Entities that maneuvered them. Notice on this Report by the FBI Field Agent how they advised how not to have the Event be made ‘Public’ by the Main-Stream Media of the Day. Realize that before the CIA, the various News Outlets did not have any CIA Editors assigned to their Offices, i.e., Operation Mocking-Bird, etc.______________________
12.06.10Roswell UFO
On July 8, 1947, the FBI Dallas Field Office sent a teletype regarding a “Flying Disc” that resembled a High Altitude Weather Balloon found near Roswell, New Mexico. This Single Page is a serial from the larger UFO Release found at
Notice that the Observer was a U.S. University Department Head, not just an ‘Ordinary Person off the Street’. Notice how the Memo was addressed to Scientists and those having Aeronautical and Military Experience. Notice the cynicism of how such an Eye-Witness does not expect such an Observation to be taken seriously or anything that could result from it. Then consider how the Writer, if an FBI Field Officer having such Experience, is not made plainly.
However he insinuates that such an Observation needed to be made. Perhaps it was to alleviate his Conscience. In Summary, the Observations of the UFOs that he has been involved with, presumably are as follows. The Disks carry Crews, Human-Like. They do not come from other Planets. The Crafts possess Radiant Energy and re-enter the ‘Etheric’ at will. This would be crossing the Interdimensional Veil. These Entities have an Esoteric Connection. Thus, even at the inception of Project Blue Beam, there were Credible Authorities warning about the Origins of such ‘Visitors’ that have always been among Humanity on Planet Earth.12.06.10Majestic 12
Majestic 12 In 1988, two FBI offices received similar versions of a Memo titled “Operation Majestic-12…” claiming to be a Highly Classified Government Document. The Memo appeared to be a Briefing for newly-elected President Eisenhower on a Secret Committee created to exploit a recovery of an Extra-Terrestrial Aircraft and Cover-Up this work from Public Examination. An Air Force Investigation determined the Document to be a Fake.______________________
What has been surmised after the ‘Drone Invasion’ of the USA in the Winter of 2024 is that the Drones that had Blinking Lights were Man-Made but were of the Advanced Technology that even the Mainstream U.S. Military, although aware of, cannot control nor is in control of such Technology. These are what are Researched, Reverse-Engineered from downed UFO Crafts. This is why the Local and State Authorities were not told nor explained what was going on.
It was also how the Pentagon just assured the Public that they were just ‘Street Legal’ and ‘Nothing to worry about’. However, it is because as surmised, even the Pentagon was not and is not in full control of these Advanced Drones. What was and is concerning is how such Drones were seen spraying some sort of Mist in the Skies. Is this how the Powers-That-Be will unleash the next SPARS Outbreak? Has it already started?
What also has surfaced are some Videos on Tik-Tok of U.S. Army Servicemen who attest that the Drone with the Blinking Lights are being launched by the Military, but that the Orbs are not of the Military, at least on the surface. This is where it crosses over to the Black Ops Programs that in fact manufacture and Control such Types of Drones. And these Corporations are not beholding nor accountable to the U.S. Citizenry. This is despite how they use the Public Tax Monies to fund their Secret Black Operations and how they are in league with the Fallen Angles that divulge such type of Advanced Technology.
It is the Orbs that are of an ‘Alien’ or what one would classify as Fallen Angel Technology. These are the Merkavahs that transport the Grays and that can morph into many Orbs and other Shapes. They apparently have the ability to cloak as well. And what is the Agenda of the Aliens? In part, from a Biblical Perspective, it is to ‘Harvest’ Human Souls. This has been the Quest of Lucifer since the Beginning, at least with the Creation of Adam in Eden.
As some sort of Supernatural Aspect, the Fallen Angels and their Demons, the Spirit of the Disembodied Giants that were the Hybrid Byproduct of Fallen Angel and Human Women, seek the Energies of a Human. A Human Body is like a Battery to them. And the Soul is the Source of that Power. This is why the stronger the Frequencies in a Human, the more intense is the Energy. And what causes the rise in Frequencies in Humanity is Chaos.
This is why War, Murder, and Suffering in Humans produces these Outcomes. This is why when a Plandemic is being staged, the Mass Psychosis that the Population will be induced with, will produce the Fear that will then elevate the Frequencies in Humans that then the Demons and Fallen Angels can feast on, be energized, etc. This is why in the Satanic Occult, the Sacrificial Rituals of Humans are demanded.
And the epitome of Human Harvest is no less than an Innocent Infant. This is why Abortion is associated with Satanism. This is why Child Sacrifices, performed since Biblical Times was and is the worst Offense to the Creator, YHVH. And this is why the USA, in particular, along with other Western Nations for the most part that have performed Millions of Abortions will be judged. So, it would appear that 2025 might very well be the ‘Beginning of the End’._____________________
ALIEN RAPTUREWhy the World will Believe the LieIf ‘Aliens’ were to return to Earth and ‘show-up’, what would they find on Earth? What would they say about the Human Condition? The purpose of this Book is to present the Rationale as to why the Alien Disclosure has not been allowed to be made. Full Disclosure is Reserved or Withheld for when the True Biblical Rapture does occur. How come? If the Alien Disclosure would have been ‘Officially’ Released or made already, especially since World War 2, then an Explanation of ‘Who did it’ and ‘What happened’, would not be readily accepted by Billions of People that will demand an Answer.
THE SECRET WAR AGAINST HUMANITYWhy the Planet is in PerilThere is a Secret War Against Humanity being waged on Earth, presently. In regard to Humanity, it started in Eden. However, this War is Ancient. It started before Adam and Eve were placed in Eden on Earth. This War is against you, the Reader of this Book. It is against your Family, your Marriage, your Job, your City, your State or Provence, your Nation. It is a Full Spectrum Dominance that is the Luciferian Agenda that also wages War against one’s Body and Mind. But what is the Prize, is one’s Soul. Why?