GAZA GASLIGHTINGMUSLIM MEDIA MANIPULATIONSHow the Narrative is Spun about a 2-State Solution
by Luis B.
The following are 4 Observations of Non-Western Media Sources that broadcast a far different Story or Narrative than what is allowed to be seen in the West about Israel. On 1 Hand, such Alternative Sources provide a different Perspective of how the News from Gaza is spun. Sadly, in the Present Age, News is not Neutral. It is very biased and based on Politics and Agendas. If one seeks to find this Reporting Distortion, one need not look further than the Rich Arab Gulf States that fund such News Outlets like Al Jazeera. The following are some Talking Points that Arab News spin as though they, the Arabs, and the Palestinians are the Victims and Israel is the Aggressor.
1. The Fate of the Hostages taken by HAMAS lies with Israel.It was very interesting that the Spokesman for the Military Arm of HAMAS, as reported by Al Jazeera, presented the Narrative that harming the Hostages was ‘Against their Religion and Human Decency’. That level of Gas-Lighting is astonishing in that it shifts to Israel. He stated that the Hostages were taken to a ‘Safe Place’ when Israel began its Ground Counter-Attack to precisely free the Hostages. And by the way, that included Non-Israelis from several Nations. Yet the Western Media nor Al-Jazeera report on this.
Later in the Statement, the real reason for keeping the Israeli Hostages was stated. HAMAS was saving the Hostages for a Prisoner Swap for when the War concluded. All the while, Gaza is suffering because of HAMAS. Their Civilians are being killed and it works toward the Palestinians garnishing World Support and Sympathy. It has worked. The entire Planet is against the ‘Jews’. And to the World and HAMAS, the Destruction of Gaza is Israel’s Fault. No, the Blood and Death of every Mother, Child and the Elderly is in the Hands of HAMAS. It is the fault of HAMAS for starting the War. Israel will end it.
Instead of using the Billions of Funds coming from many Nations that have been given to the Palestinian People, the Muslims have commandeered the Funds. They rather have used the Funds to create the Underground Tunnel Network and purchase Arms to precisely Murder Israelis, both Military and Civilians. The World conveniently forgets that it was Israel that was Attacked. Gaza was not Occupied. Israel did not attack the Houthis, Hezbollah or Iran. Yet they all have attacked Israel and will continue to do so.
The World forgets that it was HAMAS that kidnapped Israelis as young as 8 Months and as Old as 87 Years. HAMAS is like a Married Woman finding another Man and seeking to justify her Cheating by blaming the Husband for her Infidelity. So, the Muslims are Gaslighting the World in that it is Israel that is at Fault for merely existing and Netanyahu’s for why the Hostages were taken.
2. The Arab-Israeli Conflict is the fault of the Israeli Right Wing Fanatics.Al Jazeera interviewed a Professor from the University of Beirut and stated that Netanyahu’s Government has allowed the ‘Religious Fanatics’ and ‘Extremist on a quest to exert total Sovereignty between the Jordan River and the Mediterranean Sea’. He further incorrectly stated that Netanyahu wants to ‘Destroy the al-Aqsa Mosque to build their Jewish Temple’. This same Argument or Assessment is what can be said of the Muslims in Gaza and the Muslim Occupied Regions of Samaria and Judea.
But the Professor and Muslims, in general, have failed to take HIST 101 in that Solomon’s Temple was never on top of where the al-Aqsa is now. It was an Ancient Roman, then Byzantine, then Muslim and then a Templar Crusader Church. It was later commandeered again by the Muslims when they invaded and thereafter occupied the Holy Land, Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. They speak of Israeli ‘Right Wing’ Fanatics but fail to see their own Islamic Fanatics that go to the extreme of mandating a National Genocide in their Charters. Yet the World turns a Blind Eye to this Double Standard and Hypocrisy.
If the Muslims are blaming Israel for standing on their Religious Right to the Holy Land, Jerusalem and the Temple Mount, it is because it is in the Bible. And the Quran admits that the Torah is Valid and the Covenants with the House of Israel or the Children of Israel are still Binding. However, it has been the Brainwashing Tactics of the Islamist Schools that erroneously teach that like Christianity, the Torah has been ‘Corrupted’. One only needs to look at the Copies of the Dead Sea Scrolls to show Israel had existed back then before Islam. There was no ‘Palestine’ in the Time of Jesus.
The Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered by an Arab Shepherd Boy in the Caves of Qumran. They attest that the Jewish Scriptures have Integrity and have not been ‘Corrupted’ as the Muslims say and dismiss. What is being denied is that the Return of the Jews to their Holy Land, Jerusalem and eventual 3rd Temple was foretold in the same Bible the Muslims are refuting. And that, in itself is the Issue and the Problem for the Muslims. The 3rd Temple is what will complete the Redemption Journey of Israel. It has to be in place when Jesus returns.
It is because YHVH is not done with Israel. And that is the Main Reason HAMAS attacked on Shemini Atzeret in 2023. They were triggered, realizing that the 3rd Temple is on the verge of being erected. The Details of how it will come about are becoming clearer by the Day, it seems. The Temple Mount will be the Focal Point of a New World Religion, a Hybridization of the Abrahamic Faiths, one contents. But the Redemption Return of Israel will culminate in Armageddon and Israel’s Divine Rendezvous with Jesus.
3. Israel is conducting a Genocide in Gaza.The Muslim Media is characterizing Israel’s Reaction to the HAMAS Massacre of the Jews on October 7, 2023 as a ‘Genocide’ against the Palestinians. No, the real attempt at Genocide comes from HAMAS against the Jews. It was and is precisely due to the Muslim Protocols of HAMAS’ Charter. It stipulates that Israel must be Destroyed, thus, a ‘Genocide’ is justified. Yet the Muslims and the Leftist in the West are Gaslighting that it is Israel who is doing. It is HAMAs that is precisely targeting the Jews for Annihilation.
To the Muslims, it is a Religious Duty to their False God, Allah to lie. HAMAS and their News Outlets are Gaslighting the World in that they confuse the Military Responses with what Genocide is defined as. Genocide is defined as the deliberate attempt by a State or Entity, in murdering particular People Groups, unconditionally. That is exactly what HAMAS aims to do. Consider that in Israel’s Response by going into Gaza to rescue their Hostages, it is the only Nation on Earth that Texts, Calls, and drops Leaflets to avert Palestinian Civilian Casualties by warning of impending Bombardments, etc.
4. If Palestine had their own State, there would be 'Peace and Security'.Giving the Palestinians their own State will not bring ‘Peace and Security. Rocket Attacks and Infiltrations to attack and kill Israeli Citizens, Settlers will continue. So, no. The Palestinians cannot even provide ‘Peace and Security’ to its own People. Then they suppress all Civil Liberates. There is no Dissent allowed. Any Criticism of HAMAs is met by Death and/or Torture. There is no ‘Democracy’ as Islam is Anti-Democratic. When do you ever see a Protest against HAMAS or Hezbollah on Al Jazeera? If
any dare, which they have, they are dragged to their Death and paraded in the Open Streets, just like they did to the Israeli Hostages. Like any other Totalitarian Form of Regime, HAMAS used ‘Free Elections’ to take over Gaza, much like Hezbollah did in Lebanon. Half Naked Israeli Women were displayed on the back of Trucks or Motorcycles. But note that it was Palestinian Old Men, Women and Children that cheered in Jubilation. Now look at them. Below is a very interesting take from a Muslim Arab that does see the Significance of Israel’s dominance over HAMAS and Hezbollah.
‘You dared to strike at a smart and courageous nation on October 7th – committing genocide, kidnapping their children, and violating their women. You thought they would fall, but they rose again, returning after 11 months to correct what had only momentarily slipped -their intelligence. Now, they will send you back 1000 years, to a time without technology, where a ringtone feels like a death knell and a beep is a nightmare.
You will be haunted by your own shadow, too afraid to use any technology, cut off from the advanced world. And they will defeat you -not with bullets or tanks, but through the unbreakable will of brave intelligent people. Over a simple cup of coffee, with one decisive click, they will seal your fate, and the fate of anyone who dares harm their children.
This is a nation the world respects. Lebanon -Hezbollah’s pager attacks and today’s V82 strike are not merely military victories, they represent a triumph for the Middle East over radicalism – a victory not only for Israel but for all who stand against terror’.
Amjad Taha @amjadt25September 18, 2024
ImmigrationYet it is HAMAS that threatens any Civilians from leaving the War Zones of Gaza. They confiscate the Aid, Food and Supplies allowed into Gaza. Defenseless Palestinians are used as Human Shields. Why? Any Civilian Casualties is Free Publicity and ensures the Empathy of the World. It is HAMAS that is willing to Genocide its own. It is a Religious War, and thus, will have to be a Religious Solation. This is why the Abrahamic Accords will play a Vital Role in establishing a 2-State Deception, imposed on Israel that will eventually Divide the Holy Land, Jerusalem and the Temple Mount, etc.
Until then, it is the Muslim Religious Quest to eradicate the Jews from repossessing their Ancestral Biblical Lands, their Eternal Capital of Jerusalem and the have the Temple that directly connects them to YHVH. It is the Arab Muslims that have been occupying the Promised Land since the Muslim Conquest. And what is HAMAS’ Solution? It is a 1-State Solution. As spelled-out in their Charter, it is to be and belong to the State of Palestine. And Israel? It does not merit an Existence. Where is the 2-State Solution coming from? The Rhetoric for it is the strongest one has seen in a long Time.
It is coming from the E.U. the USA and the Rich Arab Gulf States. As far as the Arabs are considered, they want the War in Gaza to end. To a large extent, it is to ‘Safe Face’ because Israel has completely humiliated HAMAS, Hezbollah and Iran, etc. Although the Muslims started the War, it is Israel they hypocritically condemn as the Aggressor, not Iran or HAMAS, Hezbollah or the Houthis. It is all Israel's Fault in the Eyes of the Muslims and the Liberal West. The Left in the West take no Accountability for their Actions. Then HAMAS takes no Accountability either. It feeds off the Empathy. Islam rather sees their Old Men, Women and Children killed, starved and shell-shocked on the Altar of their Islamist Charter of World Dominance for ‘Allah’.
This is how Islam works, sacrifice your Children, your Women, your Old Men in order that the Jews not have their own State. Does one not see the Pattern here with how the Left thinks and acts, no different in the West? They push the same Ideology: Abortion, Euthanasia, Undefinable Definition of what a Woman is, etc. Muslims are Religiously allowed to lie to their Enemies in order to gain Advantage. No amount of Land for Peace or Cease-Fires will appease Islam’s bent on total Conquest, of not only the Holy Land, Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. With those 3 Factors under Islam, the conquest of the World is next.
That is the End Goal of Islam, it is to have every Human, ‘Submit to the Will of Allah’, if by Sword, Taxes or Immigration. It is rather ironic that the Muslim Arabs seek to immigrate in droves to the West, to a Former ‘Chrisitan’ Europe or the USA. Yet they hold on to their Muslim Religion that makes their Nations what Trump has rightly called a ‘Feces Hole’, which they are. As one who has traveled to over 18 Nations on the Planet and is an Immigrant, the West fails to realize and turns the other way in letting in unsetting Thrones of Immigrants that although they hate and loathe the USA and the EU for its Immorality and Wickedness, they conveniently like their Social Welfare Programs. This is thanks to the Leftists Social Justice Warriors that use other’s Money and implement such Policies.
A Cup of Jerusalem TeaImmigration has existed since Cain murdered Abel and was Exiled to the East of Eden. In fact, YHVH condemned his People to be Wondering Vagabonds in perpetuity. But like a Stranger that needs to be vetting before allowing Free Access into one’s House, Food and Clothing, so is a Sovereign Nation needing to control who is allowed in. Those who seek to come uninvited are called Squatters. To be fair, it has been the Waves of Immigrants that have build-up Nations, such as the USA, and the United Arab Emirates, etc.
But Unvetted Immigration has fostered Human Trafficking, Sexual Abuse, Drug Smuggling, Extortion and Crime. If one knows History, but especially Biblical History, then one would quickly realize that the Muslim Slogan, ‘From the River to the Sea’ is a Misnomer. Even those Naďve University Pro-Palestinian Protesters, mostly White Liberal Young Girls and their Effeminate Young Men who failed History 101 and stopped attending their Parent’s Christian Churches and Sunday Schools did not know what and where ‘Palestine’ is.
They too have been Brainwashed into believing that the failed 2-State Solution is the Solution. No, it is the Final Solution, a Death Sentence for Israel. Why? Such Borders are not practical for Israel’s Defense that are based on the pre-1967 Lines. The 2-State Solution is a Set-Up for Israel. It is a Deception, so at a Future and Opportune Time, the Muslims will then easily ‘Choke’ its Life away. But will not the 2-State Solution ensure ‘Peace and Security’? No.
Al Jazeera never covers or speaks of the Genocidal Demands the Charters of Iran, HAMAS, Hezbollah and all the other Muslims Factions are charged, religiously to undertake. This is why all ‘This’, is a Religious War. It will only succeed when a Religious Solution is imposed. It ultimately will when Jesus returns. Until then, it is and will be all about the Total Destruction of the ‘Zionist State’, Jews included.
The 2-State Solution is a Deception. It is a Farce and Double-Speak in that the Muslims say they are not Anti-Jew but Anti-Zionist. Such Gaslighting. The Muslims conveniently leave-out, that the Slogan: 'From the River to the Sea' means the Genocide and Destruction of Israel. Nonetheless, Biblical Prophecy is unfolding before the Eyes of the World, the Church and Israel. What is sure and certain is that Biblical Prophecy is marching forward. All the Pieces on the Prophetic Chess Board are not falling apart but falling into place.
It is and will be that the Middle East will be the Center that determines the next World War and what comes of it thereafter. The War between Russia and the Ukraine, and then NATO and the West are just the Periphery in the Scope of Biblical End Times. It is not insignificant but it will only serve to push the Timeline and Chess Pieces into the Right Position for a ‘Check Mate’ by the Coming AntiChrist. And that will be? It will be he who is handed a Divided Holy Land, Jerusalem and the Temple Mount.
‘Behold, I will make Jerusalem a Cup of Trembling unto all the People roundabout, when they shall be in the Siege both against Judah and against Jerusalem’. -Zechariah 12:2
A Kingdom Divided Shall FallBut be warned, that the Agents, or People or Nations that will afford and facilitate this coming Division will themselves be Divided. Consider how some who study the End Times, made a Correlation of how Natural Disasters occurred when a Division of Israel was agreed upon back in 2005. Case in Point was the Total Withdrawal of any Jews from Gaza. Although Israel captured all of Gaza, the Sinai Peninsula, Judea and Samaria that the World calls the West Bank and the Golan Heights, it was agreed upon, for ‘Peace and Security’ that Gaza was to be given to the Palestinians. It was to be ‘Land for Peace’ between the Jews and the Muslims. What could have possibly gone Wrong?
Israel was under Ariel Sharon, at the Time but who was coerced to withdraw all Jews from Gaza. It was dictated by the Powers-That-Be that rule the World, behind the Curtain of the ‘Wizard of Oz’. In so doing, he suffered a catastrophic Heart Attack that caused him to go into a Perpetual Comma. He eventually died from it Years later. And the Agents or People that facilitated this Division? It was during the George W. Bush Years when Hurricane Katrina then divested the USA Gulf. Interestingly, in 2024, both Spain and Portugal not only pushed for a 2-State Solution but Officially Recognized Palestine as a State. Then the Mediterranean Weather Depression hit the Valencia Region in Iberia.
The Phenomenon is known as an ‘Isolated Depression at High Levels’, or DANA in Spanish. It has been a Disaster for Spain on the same level as Katrina was for the USA. Coincidence? Perhaps or perhaps not. Ah, but see, it is ‘Climate Change’. But how can one explain what Spain’s National Weather Service reported? It rained more in 8 Hours than it had in the preceding 2 Years combined. Coincidence? That is not a Natural-Occurring ‘Climate Change’. And the Point is? Beware who will be dividing the Holy Land, Jerusalem and the Temple Mount. YHVH has decreed that whoever divides His Land, Israel, He will divide that Man and Nation in Judgment.______________________
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