DRONE INVASION OF THE USAWAR OF THE WORLDSPreludes to the Rapture Disclosure
by Luis B. Vegavegapost@hotmail.com
‘Reports that say that something hasn't happened are always interesting to me, because as we know, there are known knowns; there are things we know we know. We also know there are known unknowns; that is to say we know there are some things we do not know. But there are also unknown unknowns—the ones we don't know we don't know. And if one looks throughout the history of our country and other free countries, it is the latter category that tends to be the difficult ones’. -Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld 2002 Regarding Iraq and WMD
The following is one’s commentary about the December 2024 ‘Drone Invasion’ of the USA and now, apparently other Nations. It is now notable because of the scale that is out-of-the-ordinary in terms of Quality and Quantity of such Drone and Orb type of Apparitions. The issue is that the Federal Agencies are allowing these flybys to occur or are not in control of them or cannot mitigate them. The issue is that the Average Person on the Street and Neighborhoods that such Drones and Orbs are flying over have become very anxious.
The Unidentified Aerial Phenomena UAPs that are clearly Man-Made Drones are of a Type that are not just your Conventional ones. They are clearly much larger and sophisticated. Then there are the Orbs or Shining Spheres of Light that appear to oscillate like a Gyroscope. These Types appear to interact with the Drones, but no Answers have been forthcoming from the Federal Government in the USA of who they belong to and where they are originating from and retrieving to.
Even Local and State Government Officials, and Senators that are pressing the Pentagon and the Department of Homeland Security are getting ‘No Answers’. There have been Reports that such Apparitions of ‘Shining Lights’, or Orb along with Drones have occurred for many Years now. However, they have been isolated though and not to this level of what had occurred in December of 2024 in the New Jersey area of the USA in particular. A lot of the Drone Activity has been centered around U.S. Military Bases.
So, what is the Drone Invasion all about? Is it nefarious? Is it tied to the Alien Factor? Some of the Drones have been witnessed imitating some sort of Spray. Are all these Drone-Orb Activities but a prelude to something that will be forthcoming next? What are those who believe and follow Jesus to think and do about this? The following is a very Interesting Video of what the Drones could be all about. In hearing the Christian YouTuber out, it seems plausible of what could be in the works. It has to do, in one’s Estimation of how ultimately, it is the Luciferians that are just staging their next Mass Psychosis.
Induced PsychosisAnd like what occurred during COVID, so far the ‘Drone Invasion’ is succeeding in creating Anxiety, Uncertainty, Stress, Depression and a Psychosis. Thus, is it reasonable and rationale to surmise that the next ‘Move’ will be based or could be based on a COVID 2.0 Type of Plandemic. What was said by the Presenter in the Video about the Drones, one would agree like 99.9%, so far. He makes some Interesting Points and possible Correlations that one would and does make also.
So, what are Believers and Followers of Jesus to do or think about these ‘Drone Invasions?’ Because of COVID 1.0, the Luciferians that run the World, for now have learned a lot from their COVID 1.0 Pandemic. They do have to tweak their Protocols for this next one, as many People ‘Woke-Up’ as a result of their Diabolical Playbook. But this next Plandemic, many People that are now that more sophisticated about their Tactics will have to come against the Masses from a different Approach.
Could this ‘Alien Drone Invasion’ be that Variable or Factor? Notice that in almost every Hollywood Movie Predictive Programming, the Alien Narrative has been very skillfully crafted to be intertwined with Viruses and DNA. Nonetheless, such a COVID 1.0 Plandemic was also an Experience and Drill for the Body of Christ to learn from. Sadly, this is still only the Minority as most who called themselves Christian totally capitulated to the Mass Psychosis and even are yet set on corroborating with the Federal Goverments to ensure People got their Kill Shots.
Remember how many Churches took the Federal Government’s Money as they were forced to close their Doors. Yet their same Church Building were converted into COVID Community Centers. It was were many People came in to get their COVID ‘Immunization’ Shots that were only Emergency Authorized, untested and unvetted for Side Effects. Contrary to their Official Scientific Narrative, the COVID Shots were and are not ‘Safe and Effective’.
They did not prevent Infection, nor provide Immunity nor stop Transmission. What it did was as it was designed to do, is to circumvent the Natural Immune System, compromise it and damage the Body at the DNA level. The Government knew of the Harmful Effects to include Death, but that is what was not told to the Masses for a Genetically Modified Flu Virus that was still 99% survivable with Ivermectin and Hydrochloride Treatment, etc.
FDA settles lawsuit over ivermectin content that doctors claimed harmed their practiceCNN
Fool me Once…So, as many Believers and Followers of Jesus knew what really went down for COVID 1.0, such ought to now know what to do and how to pray against it. And this ‘Drone Invasion’ is part of it, in one’s Estimation. During COVID 1.0, for the most part as noted, the Christians closed-down their Churches. Their Doors were closed as the Gates of Hell were opened. They were even mandated in California by Governor Newsome to not even Sing in Church. In many places, not even meeting inside one’s Cars, all parked in the Church Lots were allowed to assemble to listen to Sermons over the Radio.
To the contrary, the local Police were called and forced the Congregation to disband. Then in Idaho, Christians gathered in public, all wearing Masks, nevertheless started to Sign and Pray. But the Police came and arrested the Pastor. In Canada, several Churches were actually forcibly gated by a Fence to not allow Christians to assemble in the Church Building. All the while, at least in the USA, the Casinos, Strip-Joints were all allowed for People to gather in. One’s Point is that the Church, the Body of Jesus on Earth has the Power and Authority to stand against such Luciferian induced Psychosis.
It is because there is Power and Authority that Christ Jesus has given to the Church Triumphant; and that trumps all Powers and Authorities on Earth. If only all Christians walked this Way and Command. One is not sure what all these Drones are all about, but something is up for sure. If one can sense anything, it is that it has the 'Signatures' of the 'Usual Suspects'. You can tell by the Outcome of how the Masses are reacting. In this case, it is under the Column of: Fear, Uncertainty, Confusion, Anxiety, etc. It is a Staging of sorts._________________________
#720: PROJECT BLUE BEAMALIEN INVASION AND RAPTUREIn Memory and Honor of Serge Monastwww.postscripts.org/ps-news-720.html
ALIEN RAPTUREWhy the World will Believe the LieIf ‘Aliens’ were to return to Earth and ‘show-up’, what would they find on Earth? What would they say about the Human Condition? The purpose of this Book is to present the Rationale as to why the Alien Disclosure has not been allowed to be made. Full Disclosure is Reserved or Withheld for when the True Biblical Rapture does occur. How come? If the Alien Disclosure would have been ‘Officially’ Released or made already, especially since World War 2, then an Explanation of ‘Who did it’ and ‘What happened’, would not be readily accepted by Billions of People that will demand an Answer.
COVID WORLD ORDERAnd the Medical Martial LawThe purpose of this Book is to provide a Systematic Array of Scientific Evidence that dispels the current 'Official Narrative' pertinent to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Or is it a 'Plandemic'? The studies presented in this Book will consider the various Sources that strongly suggest that the release of COVID-19, although real is being abused to foment the need to undergo and implement the Global Economic 'Reset'. This New COVID World Order will be contingent upon all People needing to take the coming COVID Injections.