by Luis B. Vegavegapost@hotmail.com
But as to the December 2024 Drone ‘Invasion’? Apparently, the Drone and Orb Phenomena had gotten so severe, that Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Ohio had been shut-down because of ‘Drone Interference’. It is at least in terms of the Runways or Flights being cautioned because of ‘Heavy UAS Activity’. UAS stands for Unmanned Aircraft Systems. Note that on December 16, 2024, there was a 3.3 Earthquake in Lawrence, Ohio. Was it a Coincidence related to the Base Drone-Orb ‘Dog-Fights’?
Mind you, this Military Base is famous and notorious for where the Men-in-Black ship all the Biologics from UFO Crash Sites to. It is rumored that there are Deep Underground Networks of Rail Tunnels that connect the Base to others, all the way to China Lake, Area 51, Roswell and Dulce, etc. It is also believed that many Underground Genetic Labs are where Hybridization of Human Abductees are performed under the oversight of the Grays and Fallen Angels masquerading as ‘Aliens’. It is unbelievable how the Federal Government is Gaslighting the Public about this ‘Drone Invasion’.
It is about only giving-out the ‘Trickle Truth’. The only pieces of Evidence that is being put together are by YouTubers, Bloggers and Citizens. There has been more Amazing Footage of Drones and Spheres interacting. From what one has seen and read, here is one’s Guiding Assumption. If it blinks, it is the Government's. If it glows, it is Fallen Angels Activity to include their Gray Shining Ships. It is evident that the over-sized Drones are Man-Made Hardware. If they were not, they would have been shot down by now. Apparently they are very sophisticated with Heat-Sensing and Night Vision.
However, the Federal Government did allow Chinese Spy Balloons to drift across the entire Continental States to gather sensitive Intel over many Military Bases. What one is seeing is how the Military or 3rd Party Partners as in Contractors are rolling-out their State-of-the-Art Drone Technology. But they are no match for the Shining Spheres. It is like the Polish Cavalry meeting-up against the Nazi Panzer Tanks in World War 2. Now, the Spheres could be performing their Activities along with the Government Drones.
But from what one has assessed, so far, one thinks that the U.S. Government has been overwhelmed with the scale of such UAS Apparitions. And they do not have a Handle on the Situation. It is worldwide now. In 1 instance, footage shows a Drone approaching a Shining Sphere and the Drone then becomes incapacitated. The proceeds to fall from the Sky. It is no wonder why there have been many sightings of Downed Drones. And People have seen Officials with Hazmat Suits due to possible Radiation Residue. If so, it would follow the conventional UFO Radiation Signatures left behind with such Crafts.
Shining SpheresOne is more convinced that the Fallen Angels are sensing the nearness of the Rapture Event. Image what the Skies will look like, all over the World, in all the World Capitals as they manifest themselves right after the Rapture Event. As it is now, there are documented and filmed Swarms of Spheres that do not behave or travel like conventional Drones. Imagine the Anxiety, Uncertainty, Stress, Depression and Angst at such ‘Alien’ Armadas dotting the entire Skies.
It is why many End Time Students of the Bible surmise that it will be all that more easy for the World to come together under a 1 World Government. Religious, Social, Economic and Political Paradigms will be shattered. This will be the cause for the Luciferian Globalist ‘Reset’. From the Video capture of some of these Orbs, that are now getting clearer, one can clearly make out that they are ‘Spinning Spheres’. One would say, they are the Merkavahs of the Bible. What? Yes.
‘Bless the LORD, O my Soul!… He lays the Beams of His Chambers on the Waters; he makes the Clouds his Chariot; He rides on the Wings of the Wind; He makes His Messengers Winds, His Ministers a Flaming Fire’. -Psalm 104:1-4
These are the ‘Wheels within a Wheel’ Gyroscope Craft wherein the Elohim, the Gods of Heaven ride the Clouds on Earth. Do not ask how to explain that, but that YHVH Himself does too and had appeared to Ezekiel 1:1-58 in 1 of them. It is essentially the Movable Throne of YHVH, the ‘Celestial Limousine’. These Spinning Spheres or Orbs are just a Copy of the Original Model that YHVH possesses. It is also mentioned in Daniel that proved the Trinity. In fact, it is Jesus, the Son of Man that interprets Daniel’s Vision to the Pharisees. While on trial, Jesus quotes from Daniel 7:9-22 and says:
‘I am… the Son of Man sitting at the Right Hand of the Mighty One [Ancient of Days] and coming on the Clouds of Heaven’. -Mark 14:62.
Jesus is the Cloud-Rider of Daniel 7 and who appeared to Ezekiel in that Merkavah. The Passage describes how a Glowing Sphere or Orb comes out of the Clouds. The Schene describes how there are flashes of Light, like a strobing effect. Then the Gyroscope Wheels appeared like a Diamond Color. It could lift-off, and maneuver in any direction, etc. This is exactly what some of what are being misidentified as ‘Drones’ have been captured on Film in the Drone Invasion of New Jersey. Here below is a Video that shows some amazing Clips of the Spinning ‘Wheel within Wheels’ Spheres and an Excerpt of what the Topic is about.
‘Wright Patterson Air Force Base, home to critical Military Intelligence Operations, has been forced to shut-down after Unprecedented Drone Activity in Restricted Air Space. Military Controllers warn of ‘Heavy UAS Activity’ and issue Extreme Caution Warnings to Pilots. In this Explosive Report, we examine newly obtained Air Traffic Control Recordings and Footage that reveals the true scope of this Security Breach.
Multiple Sources confirm Unauthorized Drones entered the Base's Air Space, leading to a complete shut-down of one of America's most Sensitive Military Installations. Connected to these events, we investigate a troubling Report of missing Nuclear Material in New Jersey and analyze Dramatic Footage of Mysterious Aerial Phenomena that has left Experts baffled. What do these incidents mean for National Security?’______________________
What the YouTuber of the Report also mentioned is what had also been abuzz about how a Person named Clif High apparently predicted this ‘Drone Invasion’ back in October of 2024. High is a Person that one would not recommend viewing or listening to as he swears. But beyond that, believes ‘God’ is Universal Consciousness.
And he blames everything on the Jews who he is convince have all sided with the ‘Bad’ Aliens to take over the World, etc. He is famous for his Mathematical Software Interface that determines ‘Temporal Markers’. They are queried by WeBot Indicators that suggest Events that he then interprets. He does make some interesting Points and Correlations though, in some cases.
39 DAYS TO MELEE - TRUMP & ROGAN TEMPORAL MARKER EP2Clif High- Explorers' Guide To Scifi World
So, according to his findings, it all started with the Temporal Marker reached on October 25, 2024 when Trump had that Podcast Interview with Joe Rogan. High predicted that by the 39th Day, a Melee as he called it, would occur that would be caused by Drones seen in the Skies. Not bad. This would case basically a Mass Psychosis.
‘A Melee is a confused hand-to-hand fight among several People. The English Term Melee originated circa 1648 from the French word Mêlée, derived from the Old French Mesler, from which Medley and Meddle were also derived’. -Wikipedia
Now what caught one’s Attention is his supposed Timeline. He is surmising that the Melee would then start in early December, which by the way, the 1st Reported Sightings of Drones over New Jersey occurred on December 4th, just Days from the 39 Day Countdown. So far, he has been accurate. This would be just the ‘Beginning’.
What the WebBot and Temporal Markers are suggesting, according to his Interpretation, is that in the next few Months, it will reach a Crescendo after the Election, from Mid-January to Mid-February. But, that it would then taper-off Can anyone say the Rapture Event? Perhaps? A 5-6 Month Window from the Inauguration of Trump in Mid-January would put the Climax or this Melee, as he describes it, based on the Temporal Marker just before. Consider just a few Days after the Trump Inauguration.
January 23, 2025 to July 23, 2025 = 180 Days or 6 Months (End Date included)
This Timeline would put the Rapture Window with one’s surmised July Summer ‘White Wheat Wedding’ Rapture Window. Here below is the Outline of Clif High’s Assessment predicting the Drone ‘Invasion’, based on his Temporal Markers._______________________
0:50 - 0:59 Introduction of Confrontation: A Prediction of Visible Contention in the Skies, possibly leading to Combat Scenarios.
1:01 - 1:12 Temporal Marker: Reference to a Timeline starting after a significant event involving Trump and Rogan, setting a 30-39 Day Countdown.1:14 - 1:46 Melee Forecast: Visible Contention evolving into Chaotic Melee, predicted to intensify between January 15th and February 15th, 2025.
1:55 - 2:12 Political Chaos Correlation: Speculation that political Chaos on Earth might align with the Melee in the Skies, highlighting the ‘As Above, So Below’ Concept.
3:03 - 3:10 Crowd Observations: Notable absence of Crowd Reactions in forecasts; speculated that Survival Focus could overshadow Sky Observations.
3:40 - 4:24 Entrance into Sci-Fi World: The Melee is identified as a Transition into a new "Sci-Fi" Reality Era, linked to Evolving Paradigms.
5:10 - 6:07 Comparison with Ancient Warfare: Analogies drawn between Modern Dynamics and Ancient Hierarchical Warfare, emphasizing Complexity in Today's Contention.
6:50 - 7:24 Misinterpretations by Alternative Media: Critique of certain Alternative Media Figures oversimplifying Events as a scripted ‘Movie’ or Pantomime.
9:40 - 10:10 Command Structure Formation: Discussion of Q drops fostering a decentralized, distributed Command Framework akin to a Dynamic Grassroots Hierarchy.
11:15 - 12:18 Chaos and Flux: Emphasis on Unpredictability in current Dynamics and the need for Heightened Awareness in Turbulent Times.
13:20 - 15:30 Hurrian Linguistic Legacy: Exploration of Ancient Hurrian Metaphysics, Language, and Concepts like ‘Jadu’, tied to Life, Death, and Hyperspace.
18:00 - 19:03 33-Hour Exploration Limit: Ancient Hurrian Practices of mapping Hyperspace with a strict 33-Hour Boundary, reflecting Metaphysical and Physical Constraints.22:00 - 22:30 Intergalactic Communication Discovery: Prediction of discovering an ’Intergalactic Internet’ and its implications for Human Understanding of Advanced Civilizations.
24:30 - 25:30 Impact of Human Activity on UFO Dynamics: Hypothesis that Human Technological Interference might disrupt Extraterrestrial Operations, intensifying Contention.
26:10 - 26:35 Temporal Marker Concept: Temporal Markers as Pivotal Events to anchor and contextualize Unfolding Scenarios, even if Timelines shift unpredictably.
31:42 Closing Comments: Encouragement to stay Alert in Chaotic Times, reliance on Temporal Markers for forecasting, and Product Endorsement for better Sleep._________________________
Return of the Ancient AliensWell, one will see. But it seems the Fallen Angel Natives are ‘Geeting Restless’. This is actually not that farfetched as reports are already surfacing how this ‘Alien Invasion’ is producing Mass Depression in People. Exactly. It is the Psychosis that is needed to then have the People be weakened, mentally, physically, and then physiologically to accept whatever Official Government Narrative will be dished-out. The Federal Government will come out saying that they were or are ‘Protecting’ the People against the Spheres and missing Nuclear Materials, etc. But it is a Psyop.
They are in it together at the very Top. And many Compartments within the Military may not actually know what is really going on, as it is all a ‘Need to Know Basis’. And you Peons do not need to know. And as for these ‘Shining Ships’? This will get now ‘Sumerian’. Consider that these Merkavah ‘Shining Spheres’, that floated in thin Air were described even in the Ancient Mythos of Mankind. These were of the Stories of the Creation of Mankind. The Sumerians and Assyrians know about the Planets and the Solar System, even with there were no Telescopes or Space Shuttles, etc.
And yet, there are Recordings of such ‘Space Ships’ or Sky Boats of the Anunnaki in the earliest known Writings of Mankind. These are the ‘Gods who from Heaven to Earth came’. And they came in their ‘Shining Boats’. Here is the Account based on the Ancient Creation Account of the Enūma-Eliš that was found in the Library of Nineveh. Notice how they precisely describe these Orbs that are now being captured on Smart Phones. One is literally seeing what Ezekiel saw, floating Orbs or Shining Spheres, ‘Wheels within Wheels’. The Point is that these same Orbs have shown-up since Recorded History. But this will be part of the ‘Lie that will be believed’ after the Rapture Event.
‘They sang to the Lord in the Ceremonial (?) Boat. The Boat, floating of its own accord, was piled up with riches. The Boat Ma-kar-nunta-ea proceeded shiningly. To greet the Hero from the smiting of Weapons, the Anuna …… came to meet him’.
NINURTA'S EXPLOITS: A ŠIR-SUD (?) TO NINURTA 672-680ETCSLtranslation : t.1.6.2
Return of the GodsBut realize if this unprecedented Display of Spheres, ‘Wheels within Wheel’ Merkavahs are the Real Deal, the Rapture Event is that much closer. This would appear to be ‘It’, if one would dare say or hope even. This is how it will go down leading-up to the Rapture Event. Imagine the Worldwide Hysteria and Shock to Humanity. As one has described the World to come will be measured a ‘Before’ Rapture or ‘After’ Rapture Event. Realize that to the Native Peoples of the Planet, the Appearance of these ‘Shining Ones’ is a fulfillment of their Prophecies.
From the Hopi Indians to the Meso-Americans, the Return of the Flying Snake Gods was promised in the End of Time. It just so happens that when they do ‘Show-Up’, it coincides with the Destruction of Earth. In their Mythos, the Earth has already been ‘Destroyed’ 4 Times. This coming one will be the 5th Iteration or the 5th Sun. This is what is engraved in the famous Aztec Calendar.
Now this Assertion would corroborate with what the Book of Genesis starts out with. It is how the Earth, ‘Became Formless and Void’. One is of the Interpretation that there is indeed a ‘Gap of Time’ between Genesis Verses 1:1 and 1:2. In essence, Genesis is the Account of the Recreation or Refurbishing of Earth to be made suitable for Humanity, i.e., Adam and Eve, etc. This is thus, to suggest that existed ‘Worlds before Adam’.
As one has theorized, this is why the Full Disclosure has not been allowed to be made or acknowledged by the World Goverments. If the World Government did or the USA primarily, then they, the Luciferian Powers-That-Be would not have any Cover or Explanation for the Rapture Event itself once it takes place. But as L.A. Marzulli has it right,
‘When we go Up, they come Down. When we go Up, they Show-Up’.______________________
#720: PROJECT BLUE BEAMALIEN INVASION AND RAPTUREIn Memory and Honor of Serge Monastwww.postscripts.org/ps-news-720.html
ALIEN RAPTUREWhy the World will Believe the LieIf ‘Aliens’ were to return to Earth and ‘show-up’, what would they find on Earth? What would they say about the Human Condition? The purpose of this Book is to present the Rationale as to why the Alien Disclosure has not been allowed to be made. Full Disclosure is Reserved or Withheld for when the True Biblical Rapture does occur. How come?If the Alien Disclosure would have been ‘Officially’ Released or made already, especially since World War 2, then an Explanation of ‘Who did it’ and ‘What happened’, would not be readily accepted by Billions of People that will demand an Answer.
COVID WORLD ORDERAnd the Medical Martial LawThe purpose of this Book is to provide a Systematic Array of Scientific Evidence that dispels the current 'Official Narrative' pertinent to the COVID-19 Pandemic. Or is it a 'Plandemic'? The studies presented in this Book will consider the various Sources that strongly suggest that the release of COVID-19, although real is being abused to foment the need to undergo and implement the Global Economic 'Reset'. This New COVID World Order will be contingent upon all People needing to take the coming COVID Injections.