by Luis B. Vegavegapost@hotmail.com
‘There is no avoiding War. It can only be postponed to the Advantage of others’. -Niccolo Machiavelli
For those that Study the Subject of the ‘End Times’ or Eschatology, was the HAMAS War that started on October 7, 2023 on Shemini Atzeret of that Jewish Rabbinical Year, the Psalm 83 War? Consider the Evidence before one weighs in on this Assertion. It was reported by the HAMAS Information Spokesman that the Main Reason for HAMAS attacking Israel was due to the Religious Jews flying over several Red ‘Cows’ or Heifers. The Muslims understood that this was to be and is to be the Final Preparation needed in order for the Temple Mount to be Ceremoniously cleansed.
That will then make way for the 3rd Temple to be built. Although that Part is True, the Muslims, as well as the Jews and most Christians fail to realize just where the 3rd Temple is to be erected. Why? That will make all the difference. One is convinced that the True Site of the Temple of YHVH, the ‘House of Prayer for all Nations’ was and is to be to the North of the Dome of the Rok. Thus to the Muslims, this was a huge Ignorant Religious Miscalculation on their Part. Why?
They presumed that the 3rd Temple is to be built atop the al-Aqsa Mosque. So Wrong. The al-Aqsa Mosque is currently the only Mosque on the Temple Mount. Contrary to Popular Belief, the Dome of the Rock, that most in the World presumes is a Mosque, is not. It is a Muslim Shrine. One’s Point is that the Muslims do not know where the 3rd Temple is to be built, but purely based on their Religious Paranoia, they attacked Israel to ‘Protect the al-Aqsa Mosque’. One has presented Evidence, both Topographical and Celestial, of where the Temple of Solomon once stood and will be again.
As noted, that Spot is over the Dome of the Tablets or the Spirits, to the North of the Temple Mount. In fact, Biblically speaking the Outer Counter that includes the Dome of the Rock and the al-Aqsa Mosque is to be given to the Gentiles. The Area of the Present-Day al-Aqsa Mosque sits on where King Herod had expanded the Temple Platform and erected the Colonnade. This is where Jesus often taught and the Christian Disciples gathered regularly and openly after the Resurrection of Jesus, i.e., Pentecost.
The New MeccaHere is the Evidence of how after the Roman Destruction of the Temple in 70 AD, the small Prayer House was originally begun that turned into a Place of Worship during the Roman Rule and lasted throughout the Byzantine Period. It was only after the Muslim Conquest in the 600’s AD that it was made into a Mosque. It was captured by the Crusaders for a Time Being, but its origins are not Muslim, but rather Christian. The very Gray Colored Dome was actually taken from a Church by the Muslims. Why this becomes Extremely Important in End Time Prophecy is that one has proposed that this Site or ‘Mosque’ is what will be handed-over to be the House for the Christians once the Abrahamic Houses of Worship are erected onto the Temple Mount._____________________
Emperor Justinian's ‘Nea Ekklesia of the Theotokos’, lit., the ‘New Church of the God-Bearer' and commonly known as the Nea Church, dedicated to the God-bearing Virgin Mary, consecrated in 543, was thought to have been situated where al-Aqsa Mosque was later constructed. Upon its capture by the Crusaders in 1099, the Mosque was used as the Headquarters of the Religious Order of the Knights Templar.
Analysis of the Wooden Beams and Panels removed from the Mosque during Renovations in the 1930s shows they are made from Lebanese CEDAR and Cypress. These same beams in a 2010s reexamination gave dates in the Byzantine Period, making it a former Church Structure.
The Temple Mount will be the New Center of World Worship, the ‘New Mecca’. It will follow the Blueprint or Template that has already been constructed in Abu Dhabi, primarily. It will serve to be the Houses of World Worship and Spirituality once the Rapture Event occurs and the New Jewish Order is established. And this New Religious Order will be head-up by the Biblical AntiChrist and the False Prophet. But to the World, it will be their Political and Economic Savior. To the False Christians, it will be the ‘Christ’. To the Muslims, he will be the Mahdi. And to the Jews, he will be their long-awaited Messiah, etc.
So, one is just providing some Geo-Political and Biblical Prophet Perspectives of how the al-Aqsa Mosque was the Catalyst for the HAMAS Attack in 2023. Now to the Question. Was that Attack by HAMAS the Psalm 83 War? If one reads the Psalm, one will see how there are 7 Primary Peoples that surround Israel that seek its Destruction. Some Bible Students argue that this Prophecy has already been fulfilled during Israel’s War of Independence, for example.
However, one argues that the Pivotal Point of why it has not been fulfilled, is found in the Phrase, ‘That the Name of Israel will be remembered no more’. Not since 70 AD had the Name of Israel been ‘Remembered’ by the World, let alone the Jew’s Enemies, the Muslims. Consider then, who has attacked Israel because of this HAMAS War. As it has turned-out, it has become a 7-Front Offensive in how Islamic Parties took part in the HAMAS Attack. Then in a subsequent show of Muslim Solidarity, Attacks came primarily from the Shi’ite Triangle of Terror led by Iran.
Prophetic PsalmsFrom a purely Geo-Political Perspective, if this was not or is not the Psalm 83 War, then what is yet to occur to have the Prophetic Psalm fulfilled? When, if not now? At some Point in Time, the Battle Exhaustion of both HAMAS and the IDF will reach ‘Critical Mass’ in that a Cease Fire is declared. Then both the Muslims and the Jews will declare ‘Victory’. In one’s Political Science Estimation of Israel, making Deals and Ceasefires have been its Major Weakness and Achilles Heel. How so? To the Muslim Mindset, so long as they are not Killed, they Win. Any Last-Standing Muslim Fighter for ‘Allah’ is a Victory and a Defeat for their Enemies etc. Here are the 7 Fronts.
1 HAMAS of Gaza2 Hezbollah of Lebanon3 Houthis of Yemen4 Shi’ites of Iran5 Shi’ites of Iraq6 Muslims from Palestinian Occupied Judea and Samaria7 Muslims from Syria (Iranian Revolutionary Guard al-Quds Brigade)
Israel decimated HAMAS and Hezbollah with amazing Strategy and Precision that has astonished the World. It flattened Gaza. However, due to overwhelming International Pressure, the World has gone against the Jews as foretold in the Bible. But Israel always finds itself in the Classic Case of ‘Damned if they Do, and Damned if they Do Not’. So, one is just insinuating that the IDF needs to totally eradicate HAMAS and Hezbollah from ever rearming and launching Ground and Air Attacks against Israel. A Ceasefire only buys Time of the Muslims to rearm for the next Round of Attacks, etc.
And this has been detrimental to Israel’s ‘Peace and Security’. Israel has always relied on Treaties with the Nations and Super Powers for its Protection, since Biblical Times. This is a National Weakness even YHVH pointed-out and has chastised Israel for doing. Why? It is because it does not work and Israel rather relies on the Strength of Man than in YHVH. And to an extent, Israel, like the USA, has relied heavily on it Technology to compensate for an Asymmetrical Warfront that is being carried-out by its Enemies.
Now, Advanced Technology works and does compensate for limited Personnel that Israel does not have nor can afford to lose. Also, it is reported that many Muslims in Gaza, Syria, Lebanon and Iran are tired of the Terror that HAMAS, Hezbollah and the Mullahs have imposed on its People. But what Israel accomplished in its Asymmetrical War with HAMAS and Hezbollah is the stuff of the Jason Bourne Movies. And it will be studied for Years in the Military Academies.
However as one who is not only a Political Scientist but was in the Military and in the IDF as a Sar-El Volunteer, one is convinced that Israel allows the HAMAS Attack. Many Soldiers in the IDF have come forward to testify about it. It is not a Conspiracy nor a ‘Lack or Lapse of Israeli Intelligence’. So, as to Israel’s Technological Advantage? Israel has a 3-Layer Defense System. It has the Iron Dome, David’s Sling and the Arrow. These have been Military Systems that have Protected Israel against Low-Technology Rocket Barrages of Attacks for Decades, coming from Hezbollah and HAMAS.
Big Brother is not Watching YouHowever, the Sophistication of those Rockets and now with the introduction of Drone Warfare, the Sense of Security that Israel has relied on has diminished drastically. The Houthis even launched Drones that attacked Tel Aviv. Then Iran has launched Ballistic Missiles against Israel, twice in 2024. One’s Point is that at a certain Point in Time, the Military Advanced Technological Systems Israel has will either fail or be overwhelmed.
So, like Russia with the Ukraine, the Nuclear Option will need to be on the Table. For Russia, they have publicly declared the Change of Protocols of what constitutes a Threat and when and where they, the Russians can be justified in attacking with Nuclear Weapons. For Israel, this is called the Samson Option and that is what is next on the Timeline to the Tribulation Period that will occur, in one’s Estimation. This is based on another Scripture, Isaiah 17, about the Burden of Damascus, etc.
But what one also desires to point out is that for all the Advanced Technologies a Nation has to counter-balance an Asymmetrical War or Attack, it is only as good as the Politicians that run their Government. Why? They will either uphold or order a ‘Stand-Down’ of such Technologies. Evidence? Consider 9-11 how an Active Simulation was occurring at that Time. And how U.S. Air Force Fighter Planes were engaged but were given the Order to ‘Stand-Down’ by then Vice President Cheney. And with Israel?
It has now come to light that a similar ‘Stand-Down’ Order came from the ‘Top’ in how the IDF withdrew from the Gaza Border in October of 2023. Why? Israel was going through a National Crisis of Identity and Division. What better way to Unite a Nation or its People than through a Patriotic War. Now, please do not get this wrong, HAMAS and the Muslims seek to Destroy the Israel, and that includes the Jews. Evidence? The very HAMAS 2023 Attack. All Muslims say, ‘We are against the Zionist State, not the Jews’. False. If the Muslims were just against the ‘Zionist State’, my Genocide all those People and take Hostages? It is because, as many Times stated, it is about the Birth-Right.
But here is an example of an Israeli Officer who spoke about what they clearly understood was Israel allowing HAMAS to attack. Israel monitors all Cell Phones and Radio Traffic. They knew the Attack was Imminent. Disclaimer. One does not subscribe to the View of Libertrian99 as he is Anti-Israel and Antisemitic, but one uses this piece to prove one’s Point. The IDF Response took 4 Days. In fact, the whole HAMAS Attack was called Israel’s ‘911’. If that is the case, surely it was an Inside Job.
‘Israel is probably the most Advanced Surveillance State in the World. And the Gaza Border is probably the most heavily surveilled. I know all these Things 1st Hand because I served on the Gaza Border. Do you know how long it takes an Attack Helicopter to get activated and to blow-up any of those Tractors or Pick-Up Truck? Less than 5 Minutes. It could have been a matter of 5 Minutes before the whole Thing could have been up-ended. I am sorry, that is an Inside Job.’ -Anonymous former IDF Soldier, TikTok as featured on Rumble Channel.Libertarian99
Asymmetrical AdvantagesYet in October 2023, the Muslims paraglided in and crossed the Barriers into Israel and slaughtered Jews, not Zionists. Israel has Satellites that can take pictures of Vehicle License Plates. Surely they saw the 1000s of Palestinians pour over the Border, etc. It is as one has argued, foremost a Spiritual and Biblical War. But the Stand-Down at Gaza, an Inside-Job like 9-11 of the USA was and is being used to move along the Luciferian Agenda to Divide the Holy Land, Jerusalem and the Temple Mount.
Ultimately, from a purely Biblical and Prophetic Point of View, it is Lucifer that is behind this in his War and Attacks against YHVH, on Earth as it is in Heaven, etc. See Article by MSNBC below about this ‘Stand-Down’ by the Rulers of Israel. In the Article, the ‘Watchtower Girls’ are featured in how they give their Testimony on Camera of repeated Warnings of HAMAS Training and Activity that was intentionally ignored.
The Gaza Barrier is the most Fortified Wall in the World. It has Lasers, Concrete Barriers, and Barbed Wire, etc. Although there might be Asymmetrical Advantages that Israel has acquired, a Geo-Political Solution will rather be imposed. And that Decision will cost even the Lives of their Young Soldiers, as an unwilling Holocaust for the Greater Good of the Luciferians. Their Expertise is Child Sacrifices. This was no different. But those of the Synagogue of Satan will rather make a Deal with the Devil, with Death as their Prophet Isaiah foretells.
Now one cannot deny that during the 2 Ballistic Barrages initiated by Iran, one was astonished. Many other People also watched the Event around the World in how, miraculously, little Life was lost in the case of Israel. It was as though, truly there is an ‘Iron Dome’ of Protection over Israel, of the Spiritual Kind, perhaps. But this is where the False Sense of Security is derived from for the Israelis. It is not ‘GOD’ or YHVH, the GOD of Abraham, Issac and Jacob that is perhaps protecting them, but their 3 Tier Defense System as mentioned.
SYSTEM DEFENSE1 Iron Dome Intercepts Short Range Rockets or Missiles within a Range of 70 KM.2 David’s Sling Intercepts Mid-Range Missiles up to approximately a Range of 300 KM.3 Arrow Intercepts outside of Earth’s Atmosphere with a Range of 2,400 KM.
All 3 Systems were activated and utilized during the 2 prior Iranian Ballistic Attacks against Israel. However, the Systems were aided by the USA, the UK, France and even Jordan. But what was not reported is that many Missiles did get through and did damage IDF Military Bases. Despite 100s of Missiles being launched by Iran, no heavy Civilian Casualties nor Infrastructure occurred from the Rockets and Missiles that were not intercepted. That was Amazing. A lot of the Missiles landed in the Sand, in the Water, and in Empty Spaces, etc.
But from a Biblical and Christian Point of View, this Division of Israel over Judicial Reform that was averted by the ‘911’ HAMAS Attack is not yet resolved. Is it because in reality, Israel is already Divided. It is right down the Middle as is the USA. On 1 Hand you have the Left and Liberals, and on the other you have the Conservative Right and Religious. Once the Rapture Event occurs, for the most part, all the Pro-Israel Support will totally vanish.
And what Israel will have to do next is pull another type of HAMAS Attack against Israel that will result in Israel utilizing their Nuclear Samson Option. That Scenario will usher-in their Messiah. This is of course, what will turn out to be the Biblical AntiChrist False Jewish Messiah that will promise Israel, the Muslims and the World, ‘Peace and Security’. But it will only be for a 7 Year Duration. And even then, that Deal with the Devil or Death will be cut short, cut in half. It will itself be a Division right down the Middle of what will correspond to the 7 Year Tribulation Period called the Time of Jacob’s Trouble, etc.
It is because this Division within Israel is what has also been its Downfall, ever since Biblical Times. There is always a ‘Judas’ that has and will betray Israel. And that is going to be the case Prophetically once again. Israel does have, nonetheless a Divine Appointment with the True Messiah Jesus. He is the True and Faithful Witness. Israel still has a Rendezvous with Destiny and Divinity, with Jesus. So, if the HAMAS Attack of October 2023 was not the Psalm 83 War, then one is not sure what that will be or look like. What is next will then be Isaiah 17, in some way, somehow.______________________
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