by Luis B.
‘The Lion cannot protect himself from Traps, and the Fox cannot defend himself from Wolves. One must therefore be a Fox to recognize Traps, and a Lion to frighten Wolves’. -Niccolo Machiavelli
The purpose of this study is to compare and contrast the Trump Presidency, i.e., the 2nd Coming of Trump, with that of the coming of the AntiChrist for the Jews. One is not convinced Trump is the AntiChrist but will consider how both Personalities are but a Cult of Personality. People in their respective Domains will rather choose or have rather chosen both as a ‘Lesser of Evils’. And in so doing, it is playing into Biblical Prophecy as both promise what their Constituents desire, ‘Peace and Security’. In both cases, it is the Religious Right that is vested in these 2 Men.
They have come and will come to see them as their ‘Savior’ of sorts that will bring ‘Order out of Chaos’. But that is the Plan. Fear is what has been inculcated into the Minds of the West, all along for the Plan to work. As with the Religious Jews and the Evangelical Christian in the USA, in particular, they are being played and will be. Trump for sure is the ‘Lesser of Evils’. As an Evangelical Christian writing this, one did not want to see a DEI Candidate assume the Presidency. But neither a Billionaire because he is one that has never held Public Office prior to being a Former President.
As a Political Scientist, one realizes that the Office of the U.S. President does not go to the most Qualified, Experienced or Virtuous. On 1 Hand, you had a Democrat Candidate that essentially slept her way to the Top. But also those that slept with Trump to get to the Top. And her Qualifications were based solely on her color of Skin and Gender, not on the Content of her Character or Accomplishments, etc. But on the other Hand, you have a supposed ‘Virtuous’ Married Man who extols the Bible and Family Values but repeatedly has committed Adultery.
And he has picked Men who have done the same and worse, i.e., Matt Gaetz for allegedly having Sex with a Minor. And why is the Former Speaker, Kevin McCarthy of Bakersfield not being appointed? To his Credit he did not want to absolve Gaetz of a possible Indictment. And for that and issues of his own, he has been shunned by Trump and the Republican Party, etc. One’s Point is that the Republican Party is part of the Problem, just as much. They too have been compromised and exploit the Vulnerable.
Identify PoliticsConsider the Interns in the Senate that have been sexually solicited by Republican Senators. Or how Madison Cawthorn was propositioned to attend Republican Sex Parties in D.C., etc. It is all the same Swamp. Now, many People argue that what People do in their Private Lives or Closets are their Business or who they have Sex with, etc. True, to an extent. But such are not running for the Highest Office in the Land. But the Democratic Party has lost its Way, or rather ‘found it’. They are now Pro-War, Pro-Abortion, Pro-Open Borders, Pro-Gender, Pro-Pedophilia, etc.
They have become the Victims of their own Success, thanks to their DEI, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Policies. It is now precisely what Gender one is or not and who one has Sex with. And it better be Gay Sex and Non-Binary Identification of Genders. These are who run the Elementary Schools and Universities in the USA. These are the ones that get promoted, regardless of lacking Experience, Seniority or Results. Never mind that 70% of Children cannot Read, Write or do Simple Mathematics. That is why, such a Person, as Kamala Harris would have been President.
Not that she could not have aspired to become U.S. President. Which little Girl of Color or Man of Ethnicity would not dream of becoming. But one’s Point is that it has to be earned, merited and rewarded. That last Part is the Challenge. Although there are Qualified, Experienced and Result-Orientated Women of Color they are deliberately not chosen. And that is what occurred with the Democratic Party in the USA. They rather sacrifice such Qualified People on the Altar of Identity Politics. And in this case, their Woke Altar got demolished by another one, the Trump Altar.
And the Republican Party, at the Top is just as Immoral and in the Swamp as everyone else. But Trump does make Deals, and even with the Devil if it has to be. And one is convinced, Trump will be the one setting-up the Deal with Israel. Now, it is interesting that out of all the 7 Fronts in the Israel War, Syria is not as highlighted as the rest: the Houthis, HAMAS, Hezbollah, Iran, Lebanon. As many sense, something is up and perhaps Syria is the next Piece to be moved on the Chess Board.
One would agree that the HAMAS Attack that started back in October of 2023 could very well have been the Psalm 83 War. If that is the case, then the Isaiah 17 Destruction of Damascus is next. Will that be the next Chapter in a possible Nuclear Samson Option Israel will have to use? Nonetheless, Trump will need to appease the Saudis with the 2-State Solution to join the Abrahamic Accords. Why?
It is to Safe Face in how Israel has utterly humiliated the Muslims in how they have carried-out their Asymmetrical Warfare. And Remember what was the 1st Nation that Trump visited when Elected the 1st Time? Saudi Arabia. And if Trump, MBS or Mohammed bin Salman and Netanyahu agree on a ‘Peace and Security’ through the Abrahamic Accords, then Dividing the Holy Land, Jerusalem and the Temple Mount will come about to secure the Jewish 3rd Temple. This was the same Jewish Mindset after World War 2 in that the Jews agreed to any Piece of Land, at any Condition, so long they could have a Piece of Land to call their Home and go to. This is one’s Point.
Houses of WorshipThe Jews, especially the Religious Jews, or the Sanhedrin, mainly will do anything to procure a Piece of the Temple Property to build their ‘House of Worship’. This has been one’s World War and Blood Moon Theory Pattern based on the Olivet Discord Order of Destruction and Restoration that Jesus outlined.
DESTROYED1 Temple2 City3 Nation
RECONSTITUTED3 Nation2 City1 Temple
And if that means, Trump making a ‘Deal of the Millennium’ to facilitate the one with the Devil, i.e., the Covenant of Death, per Isaiah? Then so be it. And it will occur just like that. But notice that it has been after a World War that the Holy Land, then the Jerusalem Chess Piece, that moved on the Board to make it a Reality. Then, if the Pattern follows, the 3rd World War will surely result in the 3rd Temple. Then in terms of Prophecy pertaining to the USA, remember how when Trump took office in 2017 the Great American Eclipse made that ‘Dark Line’ that divided the Nation in half, topographically. So, has the Trump Reelection postponed America’s Divine Judgment?
And note that it was 1 of 3 Great American Eclipses that Started with Trump and ended in the Election Year, 2024, when the Nation reelected him to start in 2025, i.e., the ‘Last Trump’, literally. What this means for the USA, is that if Trump, as the Leader of the USA divides Israel, Jerusalem and the Temple Mount, changing the ‘Status-Quo’, then as rightly discerned, YHVH will divide the USA in Judgment. The Year 2025 will be Pivotal in that Major Milestones are anticipated. What comes to Mind is how the Luciferians, by way of Alice Bailey of the U.N. Lucifer Trust, later changed to Lucis Trust predicted that, according to her ‘Master’ Medium, the Year 2025 was when their ‘Master’ or their Luciferian Messiah, the ‘Global Teacher’ would Come-on-the-Scene to bring ‘Peace’.
The Year 2025 is also when, according to the Deagel Military Assessment Website, the USA, along with the UK and Germany, in particular will lose about 1/3 of their Population. Then according to the Essene Calendar, the Year 2025 is when the Last Jubilee of 50 Years begins to end the Age of Grace and the 6000 Year Span of Human History in 2075. Perhaps the Rapture Event will occur sometime in 2025, right before a ‘Sudden Destruction’ that is to accompany it. What is assured is that the World is to reach a Crescendo of Danger of sorts. It has to be dangerous for the Bride of Christ on Earth, enough so to merit a Military Retreat, as in a ‘Falling Back’ or Apostasia, etc.
The ‘Last Trump’If the Russian-Ukrainian War spills-over into a Hot Nuclear War with the West, i.e., NATO, the EU and the USA, then that is precisely what is to occur to further the Timeline of the Luciferians. However, for all the Nuclear Saber-Rattling that is dangerously occurring with what one calls, ‘Nuke-Speak’, World War 3 is actually being fought between Israel and its Muslim Enemies, i.e., the Psalm 83 War, as a Stage.
Now, if the Israel-Arab Conflict triggers that aspect of World War 3 to go Nuclear on behalf of the Super-Powers, then the USA will be knocked-out in being the World’s Leader. This is where the AntiChrist will come to fill the Need. One is convinced that the New World Order will shift back to Europe as the present World Beast and Metal Kingdom, per the Statue of Nebuchadnezzar’s Dream is still Rome. What is yet to permutate is the 10-Toe World Confederation, but that will still be under the auspices of a Rome 2.0, nonetheless.
The exact Details and Timeline, remain to be seen and discerned, but as rightly noted also, this apparent Victory for ‘Conservatism’ and Christian ‘Nationalism’ in the USA will only be short-lived. Perhaps it is just a Reprieve but the Luciferian Globalists will not let a Crisis or Election Loss go to waste. But here is one’s Prophetic and Political Science comparison. It is how the Religious Jews of Israel and the World will make a Deal with the Devil, the coming AntiChrist, etc. But American Evangelical Christians have done the same. How so? Their ‘AntiChrist’ Messiah Personality is currently Trump.
But what are the choices? Who is the Lesser of the Evils? Consider the Appeal of the AntiChrist for the Jews. He will bring what they desire, ‘Peace and Security’. The AntiChrist will sanction them the Authority and Power to rebuild the 3rd Temple. Why? It is a Biblical Dichotomy How so? The Religious Jews seek Atonement. They realize that ‘Without the Shedding of Blood, there is no Remission of Sin’, and the ‘Life is in the Blood', etc. This is why the Mosaic Covenant will be reinstituted and the Daily Sacrifices must reoccur. One is presuming all this will be a Post-Rapture Scenario.
The Religious Jews realize that they, their Posterity, since 70 AD have not had such an Atonement provided for. In a sense, they have been ‘Living in Sin’, unatoned as the Agency that provided the Apparatus to Atone for their Sins, the Daily Sacrifices were ceased with the Destruction of the Temple. The Religious Jews entered a Spiritual Dilemma thereafter. Most spiritualized the Temple and others, went the way of Neo-Paganism in sacrificing Chickens instead to be ‘Atoned’.
However, it was deeply known that the Mosaic Daily Sacrifices were but a ‘Rehearsal’ of Religiosity that does not and cannot suffice the Covering that YHVH requires, the Blood of a Pure Lamb, a Passover Lamb. And that Passover Lamb was and is Jesus, offered once and for all Time, etc. This is the Jewish Legacy. It started in Exodus the very Night the Destroying Angel spared their Lives upon seeing the Blood of the Lamb on the Lintels of the House Doors. But after 70 AD, Good Works and Synagogue Attendance became ‘Temple’. Thus, if a Man comes On-the-Scene to promise and deliver their Apparatus to Atone for their Sin to be made ‘Right’ before YHVH, then so be it.
Mosaic CovenantAnd if that man is the Devil himself? This then leads to the Dichotomy the Jews have to face. His Name is Jesus. But the Jews will rather choose Lucifer’s Son, by way of Proxy in his Genetically infused Savior. This other Personality will be the Seed of the Serpent that will use this same Apparatus, the Temple to declare Victory over YHVH’s Throne on Earth, as it is in Heaven. The AntiChrist will enter the rebuilt Temple as the Temple of the Tribulation to declare himself what he also has desired, like the Religious Jews. And that is? Honor, Validation and Glory. But above all else, Worship as YHVH has.
To this End, this Luciferian Goal is what will occur, but only momentarily. The Prophecy of Isaiah also stipulates that it will be YHVH that will not let the Deal with Death stand. But for the Evangelical Christians, especially those that are concentrated in the USA, as that is where most reside on Earth presently, the same Prophetic Principle is occurring, it would appear. How so? The Desire to place one’s Trust in a Man rather than on the True Messiah, Jesus. It is very tempting in the face of the Leftist Lies that have Gas-Lit the Entire Nation into Perversion and Promiscuity.
The American Society has been taken over by Radical Leftist Ideologies that have been the Victims of their own Success. The Left have taken over the Schools and Universities where they have indoctrinated the Youth, especially women to ‘Liberate’ themselves, etc. And yet, they cannot define what a Woman is. They champion the Criminals, seek the legalization of Recreational Drugs that are a Gateway to Hard Drugs, etc. They seek an Open Border, no Police and Marriage that is defined to mean whatever one wants.
That Law passed in California. And in an Economy that has seen the Middle Class have their Generational Wealth evaporate and be transferred to the 1%, it is thanks to the Leftists. But those on the Right have been bought-out just as much, so long as they have their Cut and their Stock Exchange Insider Trading. It is why a Sane Populace that is not Fanatic in terms of Social Engineering seeks to hold-on to Traditional Values, if only that and for a bit longer. It is the Bedrock of a Sane and Safe Society.
And even that is a Challenge when Race, Religion and Reputations are on the Line. So, what do Americans rather do? They vote for the Savior Figure, just like the Jews will. Consider that the Reelection of Trump is as the Jews that will make a Covenant with the Many for 7 Years. In the case of the Evangelical Christians of this Last Age or Generation, it has been for 8 Years, all-inclusive of the 2nd Term and the Return of Trump. It is that like the Biblical AntiChrist, Trump did promise and will deliver a semblance of ‘Peace and Security’ to the Evangelical Christians.
But here is one’s Critique of Evangelical Christianity, especially in the USA. It has been all a Clown Show. It has become all about bigger Buildings, Rock Shows, Seeker-Friendly Congregations with no Prayer Time and 15 Minute ‘Feel-Good’ Sermonettes. Sin is not Preached. Repentance and Holy Living is not Prescribed. Commitment and Faithfulness is not Taught. The Divorce Rate is some of these Churches surpasses those in the World. Scandal after Scandal, it seems the Preachers are caught in a Web of Adultery and Sexual Sin. Most have gone Woke, full of Jezebels and Nicolaitans,
Savior FigureNo Human or Church are Perfect and no Human, even Redeemed is Sinless, just yet. So long as one is in the Fallen Flesh of the Body, one is still subjectable to Temptation and Sin. But to those that are given much, much is required. But above all, the Gospel has not been preached. Congregants do not go out evangelizing any more. It is too offensive. It is just relegated to the very few now. Nor is Prophecy discussed. And the Society that has gone un-checked, is not openly Hostile toward any who dare stand on the Gospel, who Preach it, Speak it and above all, Live it.
If Evangelical Christians would have minded their Mission to affect their ‘Corner’, they would have brightened it enough to scare away the Cockroaches with their Light’. They should have been the Teachers at their Elementary Schools, the Principles, the Nurses, the Doctors, the Local Mayors and State Legislators to safeguard the Constitutional Rights to Freedom of Religion and avert the Degradation of Woman in that a Man can pretend to be one, the Unborn and stopped the Sexual Promiscuity broadcast through the Music and Movie Industries, etc. Yes, you can legislate Morality. To a Point.
And the Point is? Now the Evangelicals seek a Savior who will ‘Fix’ what they ought to have fixed and in so doing, not need to make a Deal with the Devil in Trump. He is a Populist, for sure and eclipses a lot of what Christianity stands for. But behind the Veil of the Holy Temple of Oz, is the ‘Machine’, the Façade that Evangelical Christians are putting their Faith and Trust in Trump.
So, one is just insinuating that perhaps, like the Jews that will accept ‘Him who comes in his own Name’, so too, now and before the Rapture Event occurs, the Evangelical Christians of America have done the same with Trump. Trump, ‘He who comes a 2nd Time. It is like the coming Jewish AntiChrist False Messiah who will give the Jews what they want. Trump will give the Evangelicals what they want, but only in Word not in Deed. It will be Apparently, a Façade. Just wait and see. Even if it is a Deal with the Devil, one does realize that the Temptation to not do that is immense.
How can one not go along with what one is offering you? A secure Border, no Biological Men in Women's Sports, Tariff Protections, Strong on Criminals, Making America Great Again, etc. So too, with the Religious Jews. How can they reject him who will promise them the World, literally, their Temple, their Atonement for Sin, their Religious Birth-Right? In both cases, they will not reject such a Man. Consider that Trump ‘Promised’ to ‘Drain the Swamp’. What if he rather seeks to take it over. What?
Well, is that not what the real intention of the coming AntiChrist is really all about? It is and will be a ‘Bait and Switch’ Plot in how, as mentioned, the False Jewish Messiah will break his Promise, at the Mid-Point of the Tribulation Period, etc. Did not Trump break his Promise of how, if elected the 1st Time, he would ‘Lock-Up’ Hilary? Yet at his President-Elect Dinner Gala, he praised her and Bill, instead. It is all a Set-Up. Trump Buyer, beware. And just like the Biblical AntiChrist’s Promise to Israel, both Men will break their Promise. It is not about You, it is all about Them.____________________
THE SECRET WAR AGAINST HUMANITYWhy the Planet is in PerilThere is a Secret War Against Humanity being waged on Earth, presently. In regard to Humanity, it started in Eden. However, this War is Ancient. It started before Adam and Eve were placed in Eden on Earth. This War is against you, the Reader of this Book. It is against your Family, your Marriage, your Job, your City, your State or Provence, your Nation.
PEACE AND SECURITYThen Sudden DestructionThe purpose of this Book is to chronicle the Collapse of the End Times World Wars that are coming, according to the Bible. The Topics will focus on the Geo-Political and Spiritual Contention between the Muslims and the Jews. In particular, one aspect of the Conflict will center around the War between Israel and Iran.
72 TO MONKEYZero Hour USAThe purpose of this Book is to chronicle the Collapse of the USA. The various chapters will be based on one’s Political Science background but incorporated and interpreted through a Biblical Lense and Prophetic Filter. What does '72 To Monkey' mean? It is that in a period of 72 Hours, ‘All Hell will Break Lose’.
3 GREAT AMERICAN ECLIPSESCelestial Omens of JudgmentThe purpose of this Book is to present over a Decade-Worth of Research since 2015, into the 3 Great American Eclipses that Crisscrossed the United States of America. They started in 2017 and culminated in 2024.
WORLD WAR RESETIn the Shadow of the TribulationNot if, but when will World War 3 start? It has already. At least by some who Argue that Point, that World War 3 has already begun. The purpose of this Book is to Chronicle various Geo-Political and Astronomical Factors that would suggest this. Or, if at least, the Prelude is In-Play, that many End Time Students of Prophecy, have deemed, the Great Reset.