He was obviously not well when he ascended to the throne a couple of years ago. Now it's been revealed he is very ill from cancer, and may not live much longer. Remembering when George the 7th? succeeded Queen Victoria about 1900, he was already elderly, and only ruled a few years. Seems the same thing this time as well. For much of this past generation, people noticed things that made him a good AntiChrist candidate. The royal genealogy of 1902 showed him to be a son of King David because of his supposed descent from an Israelite princess/ daughter of last King before the Babylon captivity. He also is the primary holder of the title of the Crusader-era King of Jerusalem. He is also the 153 generation from Adam and Eve according to King David's genealogy in Matthew. Remember the 153 fish John caught in the gospel? > His leading NWO activities over this last generation showed him to be one of those deluded elite. So now, the crown will soon be passed to his son William, who will likely exile Queen Camilla to the remotest island in the British Empire after what she and his father did to His mother Princess Diana. Maranatha, Lewis B