Lewis Brackett (15 Dec 2024)
"Forward the Trump peace and building the temple"

   Yes, Imho, with the collapse of Assad's Syria, and the almost total
destruction of Hamas and Hezbollah, the final stage is set. The
serious weakening of Iran and Russia in the Middle East will likely
result in the Imposed Trump Peace and "soon" the building of the 4th
temple (or Abrahamic house). Whether before or after the Gog Magog war
we don't know.
    Then, the rapture will happen. Satan's minions, thinking this is
their final chance, will attack Israel in Ezekiel's Gog Magog war and
be crushed.
   The White Horse& False Christ will ride forth, forming the world
government Daniel ch9. (and yes it's the 4th temple. Herod tore down
Ezra's 2nd temple!)
  It's all fitting together right before our eyes! Are you excited?
Keep looking UP^^^
Maranatha,  Lewis B