Leon (29 Dec 2024)
"The news that dissappeared as soon as it appeared"

Dear Doves,

In the year 2004 i was watching the TV news about an old veteran cook who worked in London.

The cook said something about when he was young joining Poland underground resistance against  NAZI during WW2.

One day a young man knocked the door when they were meeting in secret, he opened the door and looked suspiciously at the eyes of the coming man, he said the man wanted to join their underground force against NAZI.

Ever since the man was recruited all their secret operations were always busted until all members died in the ambush by NAZI.

The cook said he never forget the suspicious looking eyes of that young man and he later recognized who that man is. It was Pope Karl Wojtyla, John Paul Ii.

If you don't believe this story, google the word papacy and Nazi and Young Karl Wojtyla in Poland army. You'll see him serving Poland military. Vatican honoured Hitler obviously.

Thats why since papacy was re established in 20th Century (1928 ?) there are totally 8 head of the beast/ papacy but why its mentioned as 7 Head of the Beast by the book of Revelation because Pope John Paul I was murdered after serving about one month only. Because he said the smoke of satan has entered the Vatican.

Pope Benedict served only for short time as prophesied in Revelation 17 as the 7th head. So Pope Francis is the 8th and goes into perdition.

Imho The first beast of Revelation 13 came from the church like Judas Iskariot. but the 2nd beast Will come from Arab religion and Arab religion Will replace Bible as commanded by the first beast authority.

God bless