When the Messiah lived, the Roman Empire ruled the world. They annually celebrated with abandon and relish a particular Winter Day of pagan excesses. Saturnalia. Each year on December 17. They were led in wild revelries by a "Lord of Misrule." Saturnalia was so popular that it was extended from one day to a week from December 17 through December 25. Romans were encouraged to misbehave these days with too much eating (Gluttony), too much alcohol (Drunkenness), and sexual license (Dissipation). Please note. These behaviors are matched by the Messiah's warnings, in Luke 21:34, about a period just before He returns from the trip taken after the Ascension to the far country. These Saturnalia type behaviors still occur during these days in December. If people do any of these things, they are not watching for the Messiah's return. And they will be poorly prepared for His arrival. Tragic mistakes.
Let us compare 2 MINDSETS. One is during the Days of Noah and the Days of Lot. The other is of the time just before the Messiah returns in The Blessed Hope. The Noah and Lot Days: they ate, drank, bought, sold, planted, and built. These were normal behaviors with normal expectations about the expected ongoing continuity of circumstances. The many were mistaken, and the Messiah warns of such a mindset. But He also warns about EXCESSIVE BEHAVIORS in Luke 21:34. "And take heed to yourselves, lest at any time your hearts become overcharged with surfeiting and drunkenness and the cares of this life, and so that day come upon you unawares." These excessive behaviors will occur JUST BEFORE the Messiah returns. Beware The Saturnalia Mindset! The warnings are not linked to Hanukkah Days or Tevet 10. To Winter Saturnalia Days.
Saturnalia of Old has come and gone. But the Messiah's warnings about the 3 misbehaviors still apply now. The period of December 17 through 25 is drawing near. May we look forward with eagerness to " The Joy of His Appearing" soon.
With Love and Shalom,Jean