It is Christmas/ Hanukah Eve. Both rarely ( about every 30 years) fall on the same date but this year that is the case. Hanukah lasts 7 days, beginning December 25 and ending on December 31 , day 365.
Hanukah begins 84 days from the Jewish New Year , Oct 2Enoch who was taken by God is "84" in the Hebrew number value of his name.Anna was a "widow" of 84 years when she "sees Messiah".... Luke 2:37Jacob was 84 When he marries LeahIsrael will be 84 in 2032. 1948 + 84 = 2032. Less 7 is 2025.
Jesus attended Hanukah in Jerusalem (also called the Feast of Dedication) in John 10. In John 11 , the next recorded event, Lazarus is raised from the dead on Day 4. This year day 4 of Hanukah would be the Jewish Sabbath, Saturday the 28th. Perhaps the dead would be raised day 4 ?
Enoch was taken at age 365. Perhaps day 365 the living would follow the dead ... and Enoch ?