James Brownlow (22 Dec 2024)
"Hanukah and Christmas Similarities and Both Begin on the same Date Rarely"

About every 30 years Hanukah and Christmas begin on the same date, this year 2024 being one of them. Here are 10 similarities that tie the two events together and a possible rapture from T.W Tramm.... theseasonofreturn.com

Also, there are additional connections ; Both Christmas and Hanukah relate to :

1 Light. The Menorah light - Jesus is the Light of the world
2. Incarnate God. Antiochus presented himself as god- Jesus is God
3. Miracles . The Menorah stayed lit without oil to burn- a Virgin gave birth
4.Cleansing the Temple- The Jews cleansed the Temple - 

link is 4 minutes.... Sorry link unavailable. but YouTube.com "search " Chrismukka Expert says only every 30 years"