Gino (15 Dec 2024)
"RE: Chance: 12.08.24: UAPs and drones"

That was very informative and quite interesting at the same time.
Been to Roswell, NM a number of times, and to Nevada, but not allowed anywhere close to Area 51, only the tourist traps. 
btw - the newer, upgraded museum in Roswell is a whole lot better than what was portrayed where Max worked at, in the 1999 sci fi tv show.
Also, I agree with Steve Quayle and L.A. Marzulli, about inter-dimensional fallen entities, rather than interstellar "space brothers". 
Back to the drone situation that you brought up.
Would it possible for the government (after Jan 20?) to temporarily close U.S. airspace to all drone activity?
Similar to the closing of the air space immediately after 9/11, but in this case, still allowing planes, jets, and helicopters into the airspace.
Then, any remaining drones still in the air, could be considered a national security risk, allowing them to be brought down.
Additionally, anything still unaccounted for, but not drones, would whittle down the search for them quite a bit.
Afterwards, could there then be a dedicated branch of the FAA that solely monitors and follows all drone traffic and their transponders?
Rather than an addition to the load upon current air traffic controllers, like it currently may be (I'm not sure, but I thought that you might know)?
Then could there also then be a set of air traffic / drone controllers dedicated to monitoring any near cross trafficking of the two air spaces?
