Gerry Almond (8 Dec 2024)

December 7, 2024


Today is Pearl Harbor remembrance day number 83. In my part of America, there is no mention anywhere of this “date that shall live in infamy”. So sad, I think. I was 9 years old when I heard this broadcast over our radio. My mother and father both wept openly and therefore we children, did so too.

I am weeping in my heart for our sister Church, Laodicea today. I fear that she will soon find out what it is like to be “left behind”. I think Christmas eve may be “our day”.

I wrote to a friend to watch for Christmas eve for a reason. I have tried to make a case before this to make folks aware of the importance of the count of 280 days, the gestation period of a human being. I will herewith try once again.

From the Spring equinox to Christmas 24/25 is 280 days. Jesus was conceived on the Spring equinox and was born on Chrismas slightly on or after midnight, that is 24/25. in the year zero, between B. C. and A D.

The great shadow swath that formed the second part of a great X over America by way of solar eclipse came on day 280 after July 4, 2023 and July 4 2023 came on day 280 after the Feast of Trumpets in 2022, September 27.

Exactly 12,432 days earlier was the Feast of Trumpets, September 13, 1988.

That was when Brother Edgar Whisenant spent his entire estate trying to tell us that the rapture was to be on this date. I believe that because we were not ready, the Lord has delayed His coming by the extension of His full lifetime count and then some. That count of 12,432 days, occurring between 2 Feasts of Trumpets is a sign and is exactly and to the day the full lifespan of Jesus Christ, from conception to death, way, way back in 00 to 33 A. D. repeated here again from 1988 to 2022. Two of tthese counts, 44.4 cycles in 0-32 A. D and 44.4 cycles in 1988 – 2022, when added together = 88.8 cycles of 280 days. 888 is the number of the name JESUS. (Matt 1:21).

So, look! Twenty one days after Christmas eve, 2024 will be January 13, 2025 (the end of a 280 days count). That 21 days count corresponds to Daniel 10, the time of war in heaven in his day. It is day 280 after the great eclipse of April 8, 2024. It looks to me like we may go up on Christmas eve 2024 and the war in heaven will ensue for three weeks to the end of this current count of 280 days on January 13, 2025. If this is another was in heaven, then Satan is due to be cast out this Christmas day. (Revelation 12).

Then, 120 days of soul harvest, that number based on Jesus definition of the barley to wheat harvest times, (John 4:35) would begin January 14 and run to May 13/14, 2025, Israel's 77th birthday in the world of nations counting from 1948.

In my mind, there is just too much here to be mere coincidence.

However, as always we must wait to find out for sure.

Whether we have a 2024 rapture event as prophesied by some watchers or not, depends. My eyes are wide open. My prayers are fervent.


Gerry Almond