Gerry Almond (29 Dec 2024)

December 28, 2024


It may be the “appointed time” that Jesus spoke of. It may be the combination of Christmas and Hanukkah that is the “appointed time”. It may be that even now, war rages in heaven as the evil is about to be cast to the earth.

Posts today seem to so indicate. I wrote and posted here last week what I percieve this to be a near if not perfect scenario. If it holds, as posts today seem to so indicate, then we will be leaving here very very soon.

It is time. We have waited now 36 years since 1988. We have posted and read and listened to others posts and have prayed and wept for the lost. We have been faithful to our calling and I am so very proud of those who have endured. Beginning in 1994, there has been a steady stream of heavenly messages and revelations of Scriptural matters. Yet, we have had to endure to reach this place today.

Five Doves has been a beacon of information and encouragement all through this time. Thank you John.

Faithful watchers, like Calvin Montgomery and many others have been a mainstay both to me and to others. I am hoping and praying that we finally are going home. At last, at last.

I do believe that we are so close. The world is full of deception. It is evil and wicked to the core. The moral standard of our so called entertainment is far below the moral standard that it should be. And young lives are living in that entertainment world. I was young, and now I am old, and I have watched the steady decline in both spiritual and physical matters, and I am ready to depart this terrible world to a much, much better place. My faith in this is strong.

I am sorry for our sister Christians who must be left behind. I am sorry for the lost of this world that will be in utter chaos when we are taken. God's mercy is shown in the left behind Christian witness. Such love, such mercy.

I am glad for the faithful of this world. I am glad, for we will be with our Lord and Savior, our Bridegroom, our Beloved, our Song of Solomon Redeemer. I am encouraged by the fact that our sisters will not be left behind, either unprepared or for a long time. We will joyfully greet Laodicea when she comes home.

Our invitation to the wedding supper has apparently been issued and the time has been set. I hope it is true. I hope and pray for it.


Gerry Almond


The Announcement From Heaven's Court of the Marriage Supper 12-26-24@4:26 AM

I speak to you first. On this Appointed Day [25 KISLEV, 1st Day of
Hanukkah, 26 DECEMBER 2024] of NOW of your living reality of
existence inside the holy created firmament of The Great God the
Holy Creator Jehovah Elohim, the I AM that I AM I bring to you a
holy invitation to attend the Marriage Supper of the Holy Lamb of
God...all of heaven is prepared to receive the bride of Christ to the
feast and marriage of the Lamb...the start of the ending of all things
the removal of the risen Lamb's children who are ready for His
return...let the trumpet blasts begin, with these words he lays the
scrolls to the side on the desk and reaches down and takes a
beautiful elegant but sturdy gold trumpet horn and places it to his
lips and begins blowing it, a long powerful blast erupts out of the
horn and fills this room and beyond... the trumpet blast ends and
he repeats it three more times for a total of four... when the last and
final trumpet blast is heard, is sounded upon the arrival of the King,
Jesus Christ...He will return for His bride. He shall send out the holy
angels of God assigned to accompany Him, who shall escort the
pure in heart...found ready to attend this Grand celebration and
Marriage Supper...they know who each are. Upone His re-entry into
this world in the official capacity as returning King and Bridegroom
the Last Trumpet blast shall be blown, it is at this moment in time joy
and sorrow shall arrive fully on your world...The next time the horn
blast is heard from the sounding of this horn your Lord and Saviour
the risen Lamb of heaven shall be returning for His Bride AND IT WILL
FULLY ARRIVES and a new beginning, a new era of time, a dawning of
a new day arrives upon your world, which starts with the Great Day
[2nd TEVET, Thursday, 2 January 2025]"

She received the message on the 26th of December 2024. If we count
seven after this date we arrive at the Great Day of Hanukkah
On Thursday, 2 January 2025.